So, as you can see, it is the ****PROM**** edition of the blog! I'm a junior in highschool now (can you believe I started this blog as a naive little freshie?) and my first prom is in ...wait for it...
TWO DAYS. As you can tell, I love making lists. Really, you've had to see this coming--
- Cobalt blue dress. I wish I could delve into detail on this one, because it is *quite* smashing but alas, I won't because my boyfriend and I are keeping our dress/tux matters a surprise till the night of. I actually thought this was the tradition, but apparently that's strictly a wedding kind of deal...Watching "Say Yes to the Dress" has ruined my perspective of how teenagers actually deal with formal attire, so...yeah. I will tell you that I got it for a steal. Originally $288, down to $99, never been worn, brand new. Got it at a place that closed the DAY I walked in. It was like my fairy godmother popped in and hung that on the rack. Which kinda creeps me out, because obviously she follows me at a very close proximity...
- Shoes. Also, a secret. Apparently Tyler has "sick treads" which means "cool shoes" and will not share, so, I cannot say much but I will say this: I will fall down because I hate heels. The end.
- Jewelry. If I did actually have a fairy godmother, it would be my "adopted grandma", Brenda, who surprised me with vintage rhinestone jewelry. I hate shiny and rhinestones, but somehow, these are a great vintage glimmer that I couldn't resist--oh gawsh, how girly did that sentence just sound? I need something a little more macho before I start waving my hands around squealing. I'm gonna go pump some iron or something, bro.
- Nails. Doin' it myself because I'm part Asian (racist? More like admiring). They'll be pink. Once again, SHALL BE PUMPIN IRON SOON, BRO.
My open letter to the dress code of prom:
Dear Prom Dress Code,
Go swallow fish whole. You are making all these lovely ladies look like the poor homely woman from 19 and Counting. We're not Amish spinsters--we are women. So excuse us for having boobs and hips and legs. Point is, if a man wants to lust, no amount of fabric can stop that horndog. I'm not saying "Hey, let's show up in a g-string and dance like we're reproducing!" But what I am saying is, I dress modestly for school--more modest than a lot of the sophomore study body (men included). If this is a Christian school, let's have a little faith in our own student population to work within certain restrictions without looking like someone who can churn butter without hesitation. Seriously. If this keeps up, pay for my dress alterations yourself, because I for one do not like paying for a crap-dress.
I Used to Have a Womanly Figure Until You Eclipsed It with Your Crazy Conduct Rules
If I could chose 3 songs to play for prom they would most definitely be:
---Kids by MGMT
---Internet Friends by Knife Party
---Sandstorm by Darude.
Your three?
Have a fantastic time and I'll upload pictures on some sort of place where you can creep with ease!