Thursday, January 31, 2013

Feminism. You Heard Me. FEMINISM.

When you hear the word feminism, what do you envision?

                                                      Is it this lady?

But feminism is so much more than Phil and Lil's strangely masculine mother. And it is so much more than those anti-hygenic women who are always standing in front of the gluten free section at Whole Foods. And it is so much more than that angsty teen who hates men because Billy didn't like her thin mustache and rejected her Sadie Hawkins Dance invitation.  Feminism is more than what most people

The definition of feminism is the equal treatment of women. Plain and simple. It is not the ranting fiery anger geared towards men. It is not the arrogant superiority women feel that they are entitled to because they chose to have a baby squeeze out of them and THEY HAVE PMS DANGIT, RESPECT ME TODD RESPECT MY BODY IT'S BETTER THAN YOURS GAHHHHH. It is not the idea that girls rule and boys drool. I drool all the time. I also happen to rule. Some of us just live the charmed life, what can I say?

I am a feminist. Most people, in my opinion, are deep-down-at-the-core feminists as well. The problem is, men and women alike have these negative connotations they associate with the word and lifestyle of feminism. Which is a real shame, because feminism is something everyone should embrace and love, unless you're some chauvinistic overlord planning to eat all my cake because I'm a lady. Then you probably do not want to embrace feminism.

Feminism looks like this to me. Feminism is mentioning girls and guys. For example, last night someone told a story where a guy had all his guy friends support him in his time of need. If this story was true, I wouldn't have a problem. But it was made up. And the guy had absolutely no positive females in his life. That's ridiculous. The story itself didn't make me mad. Have you ever seen a movie with female best friends? Whose conversations were not centered around men? Have you ever seen a female friendship like Timon and Pumba? Have you ever seen a female respect like Batman and Robin? Robin Hood and Little John? Cheech and Chong? Abbot and Costello? Bert and Ernie? No. You haven't. Because according to media, women are either complaining about something men do or they're about to stab each other in the back. Which is absolute bull crap.
Feminism looks like asking girls to do the same thing guys do. "Can I get some guys to help me lift these boxes?" "Can I get some guys to help me set up chairs?" "Can I get some guys to drink this orange juice with me?" How many times have you heard people specifically ask men to help out with something a woman can physically handle? Got boobs? Whoops. You can't lift this cardboard box filled with packing peanuts, you might contract osteoporosis out of nowhere and snap one of your bird bones. I realize fully that people ask this out of chivalry, which, surprisingly, I don't think is dead. But seriously. I like to help. Ask me, and I'll do it. Unless my body type and weight and strength are a serious inconvenience to whatever you need help with, ask. Don't deny my volunteerism because I have ovaries, people.
Feminism looks like respect. Don't tell me to make you sandwich, or I will tell you where to put it. (Your nostrils.) Don't tell me I need to have eleven babies and wear an apron, or I will suffocate you with an oven mitt. Yeah, ladies can cook. Yeah, ladies are moms. Not all of us are. Mother Theresa, prime example. She could not cook. Oh, yeah, and she wasn't a mom. Women have other uses besides popping a baby. Which is fine, too. Just don't get mad at me if I have different goals in life. And don't crack sexual jokes at me, expecting me to be okay with it. And don't use the b-word to describe me. Ever. I am a lady. Not a dog. Just like you are a lady/man/hermaphrodite and not a seahorse. Unless you are a seahorse. In which case, my sincerest apologies.
Here is where the line of feminism is drawn.


Do not insult men.
We are equals.
Do not complain to your friends "All guys are the same."
Do not say men are stupid.
Do not say men are bad with directions because I assure you I am worse.
Do not assume men like certain things like football, hockey, and Men's Health Magazine.
Do not assume all men want is one thing.
Do not pretend that you yourself have never wanted that one thing. We're humans. We reproduce. Gender doesn't decide your actions and thoughts.

We are genetically different. We have certain tendencies. But there IS ALWAYS AN EXCEPTION TO THE RULE. So, here's the bottom line.

Treat people equally, fairly, and lovingly no matter what skin color, race, organization, or gender they fall into. In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., judge by character. If someone is a jerk, accept that they are a jerk and don't blame everyone associated with them for that person's individual meany-head-ness. Don't exclude people because they're different than you. And ABOVE ALL. Love.

It's Not You, It's Me

Listen, I'm sorry I've been so distant. I've just...I don't know, moved on...I feel so comfortable with you and we've had our fun, but, I mean, who are we kidding? A year from now, we'll look back at this and laugh. We can still be friends, right? It's not you, it's me.

Okay, can we get back together now? I promise I won't make out with you. ...Right off the bat.

Yeah, yeah, kids, I've been gone for awhile. I've gotten more into the Youtube thing and less into the writing-things-down thing. I had to play the field. I'm sorry, baby, you know I love you.


  • Willy Wonka--muy excellente.
  • I read a lot more.
  • I saw a dead cat yesterday and I'm scarred for life.
  • I tried losing weight and realized I like food.
  • I tried other teas.
That's been my life. I know, we've come a long way. *sarcastic eyebrow wiggle*

I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things and blog again. We'll see if I'm faithful. Because, you know, I'm like a wolf mixed with Miley Cyrus...I CAN'T BE TAMED. 

So, here is post one of the new and improved MMWAR. Please say that out loud. 

You sound like a cat with marbles in its mouth.