Sunday, August 5, 2012

Senior Vows (PART ONE?)

This year is the BIG year. My last year of high school is coming up in a few weeks and I can hardly believe it. Last I checked, I was still the fat awkward home schooled freshman that always smelt like a Bath and Body Works blew up on how times have changed...Now I'm this big old adult lady who's addicted to mugs and cats I can't have. I don't know if this is more pathetic or on the road to improvement. 
   Looking back on high school, I have definitely grown. Getting a random e-mail from my ex boyfriend this week has certainly reminded me of that. I used to be a very dependent, right-winged, emo chick freshman year. Sophomore year, I was a very insecure but fun-loving chickadee who really wanted friends. Junior year, I had a lot of emotional ups and downs and struggled with finding myself, and also realized that old movies are in fact very awesome. And now this year is my last year. And I plan on doing what every senior has always promised. I'm going to make it the best. So here is my vows of how to accomplish such a legendary quest. Enjoy.

                                                       BIG FAT SENIOR VOWS

  1. Wear one thing that stands out every single day. I realize I dress very boring. That is funny, because I find myself very not-boring and therefore this must change or else someone will have to die. 
  2. Not tolerate crap. I have let many a person use me as a welcome-mat and now I'm thinking of becoming some other form of home decor that isn't as cruddy as the one aforementioned. 
  3. Work hard. Yeah yeah, we say it every year. But obviously this year counts the most. Otherwise the world will burst into flames and a million babies will be aborted, or something severe like that it seems. 
  4. Stress less. How can I work hard and stress less? By spacing out my time, taking short breaks, and not throwing my math book at the wall screaming "CURSE YE BOOK OF LUCIFER!!!"
  5. Organize. Let me tell you a scary story. Once, Milo had some lunch. It did not appeal to her, so she stuffed it into her teal backpack and was going to throw it away like a sensible child. But, alas, no, she forgot! And there the lunch festered and spoiled until it oozed a deep black liquid and grew hair like a very ugly baby. And Milo kept forgetting her lunches until they took over her locker, turning it into a smelly abyss of mold and squelching nastiness. All who opened the locker died. So Milo vowed on her blog never to let such a plague cover the land again.
  6. Have fun. It's my last year, I'm gonna be wild and crazy. All who are not pleased, stick your head in a toilet and come back out only when you realize I'm right.
  7. Go on adventures. Even if my friends wanna be stinkfaces, if I wanna do something, I'm gonna do it. Headstrong and fancy-free, watch out world, I'm wearing my sassy-pants this year!
  8. Take a risk. Like setting a church on fire or shaving someone's head while their asleep. Or raise my hand and discuss my opinion--something risky like that.
What are YOUR senior vows? Comment below or blow up a building, I don't care.


  1. Getting your license isn't on the list? Haha

  2. lol its connor dont burn our church XD


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