Since Thanksgiving was upon us (one of the lamest holidays of the year, in my opinion) I decided I wanna tell you what I am thankful for. Be warned, this is gonna get freaky:
- I am thankful for huge, beastly rainstorms, the kind where the raindrops feel like tiny fingers jabbing you in the face.
- I am thankful for the smell of bookstores when you first walk in.
- I am thankful for warm water in big bathtubs---best excuse to procrastinate ANYTHING.
- I am thankful for Kleenex and the way I use them for EVERYTHING except my nose.
- I am thankful for cray-pas (oil pastels) because they make me look like I held hands with a leaking rainbow.
- I am thankful for indie music and the way it keeps pulling me in even though I hate it.
- I am thankful for second chances.
- I am thankful for balloons. Not white or black balloons, but balloons that are COLORFUL!
- I am eternally thankful for Crayolas and the way they make my diary look like a party.
- I'm surprisingly thankful for glitter. Even though I was terrified of it two years ago (I would run away from it, not even kidding), now I practically cover my face with the stuff.
Yesterday I went to a bookstore (and i discovered i want an urban art book for christmas) and I realized that celebrities seem to feel entitled to write books. Lauren Conrad (what is she even famous for?), Justin Bieber (we can always make fun of him, let's just leave him alone), Miley Cyrus (...........I hate her/end of story), and Hilary Duff (I hate her more than Miley Cyrus) all seem to be "authors". Lemme tell you what an author REALLY is.
An author is someone who doesn't want to put themselves out into the world and be famous. An author is a living, breathing story, and it is their LIFE to tell it. They could care less if they had money for getting out their story, in fact, you wouldn't be an author if you cared only about money. Your wrists would ache from scribbling down so many ideas. You would look at the world and see whole novels in everyday objects. You're not doing this to prove yourself to the world (even though that sometimes can be a good motivator). You're doing this so that YOUR story, YOUR creation, and YOUR life can finally breathe for the first time.
So, MileyJustinLaurenHilary, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get off the shelves and back on reality TV where some mindless people can watch your every stinking move and where readers can actually go back to reading GOOD books.
End of rant.
Let me leave you with something nice!
"This heart, it beats, beats for you. My heart is yours...."--Paramore
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