Friday, October 14, 2011


I'm addicted to:
  • books
  • green tea
  • Dove chocolate
  • Danny Phantom
  • Superhero paraphernalia
  • Lists
  • Hipster blogs
  • Losing weight
  • Rainbows
  • Poetry
  • Saving money
  • Halloween
  • Plaid
  • Stripes
  • Checkers
  • Primary Colors
  • The name Benji and Milo
  • Texting
  • Procrastinating
  • Nail polish
  • Playing with my hair
  • Just Dance
  • Stumbleupon
  • Online comic strips
  • Obscure things
  • thewordobscure
  • Plastic glasses
  • Baby pandas
  • Thrifting
I should be addicted to:
  • helping others
  • outreaching to the poor and unloved
  • loving Christ and growing closer
  • smiling
  • Optimism
But I'm not addicted to:
  • false pretense
  • "fake it till you make it"
  • Christian= no fun
  • Cocaine
  • Porn
  • Cigarettes
  • Alcohol
  • Jersey Shore
  • Punching Kittens
  • Bono

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I Mustache You a Question

Best mustaches of all time:

Magnum P.I. Which stands for: Pretty Intense. Because that mustache is Pretty Intense.

Got to be honest, 20/20 was only fun because of that massive stache. I don't give a crap about economy.

This is Howard Stark, weapons designer for Capt. America and Iron Man's dad. Pretty sure his mustache fueled their power.

Johnny Depp's stache is a legend.

Freddy Mercury is known for a lot of thing, which usually aren't good. The only 100% pure thing about him is how purely amazing that stache is.

Tim Lockwood from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I get where Steve is comin' from. I'd be grabbin for that stache, too.

Seaweed Stache Suave.

Jude Law is handsome clean shaven as well, but I mean, why even try to suppress that sexy stache?

And then there's this guy. I don't know him....but I'd like to.

Which mustache do you fancy?

Creepy Teacher

Hey baby ;D

Alright, folks, today I think I'll be telling you a little bit about a phenomenon little known to man as Creepy Teacher. If I had to describe him to you, I would incorporate these three people and morph them together. After that, you'd have Creepy Teacher.

And that folks, is Creepy Teacher. Creepy Teacher goes to my school. Actually, given the title, he TEACHES at my school. What he teaches is absolutely foreign to me. I'm thinking he's a professor in Awkward Eye Contact, Looming, and Contemporary Creeper Sciences. To be honest, I highly doubt he's a teacher. I have yet to see any students walk into his classroom. I kid you not, I pass that classroom, and chills run up my spine. Why? BECAUSE ALL HE DOES IN THERE IS STARE AT THE WALL, BLANKLY. He is a great starer. He can stare at anything. I know this because he stares at me all the time. And if you think I'm kidding, you are sadly sadly mistaken.
Example A. One day, I was having lunch. He is the lunch monitor. He stared over at me the whole time and passed my table to give me his best interpretation of what a autistic panther would look like stalking its prey.
Example B. One day, I was having lunch. The same thing that happened in Example A occurred.
Example C. One day, I was having lunch. Same as A and B.
Example D. Every day, I have lunch. And A, B, and C occur.
Example E. His classroom is directly across from the classroom in which I have Independent Spanish (a.k.a talk about boys all hour with the other two girls in there). My classroom also contains the Copy Machine. I believe that Creepy Teacher makes up reasons to use the copy machine. Like, I'm pretty sure he's just printing pictures of dead kittens and copying them over and over so he can come into my classroom. Because when he copies, he turns around and faces me the whole time. And stares. And stares. And stares some more.
Example F. Anytime he copies dead kitten photos or God knows what else someone that Creepy could copy, Example E occurs.
Example G. One day, I was having lunch, and the usual staring occurred. But this time, he came up to my table and started talking to a kid at my table. I believe this to be a ploy. Because, the kid was at the other end, yet Creepy Teacher moved closer up to me and propped his leg on the chair next to mine and leaned forward. This tactic is known to scientists today as "looming", which is used for the sole purpose of being CREEPY AS HECK.

I also found out some interesting information about Creepy Teacher this week. The kid who sits behind me in Trig is his son. This kid is also creepy, but far less creepy as his CREEPY CREEPY dad. The only thing about this kid that is creepy, is his astounding ability to breathe down my neck with fascinating closeness and subtlety. That and his love for playing footsie with my purse every single class time. But now, Creepy Teacher walks into my Trig to "say hello to his son". Please. We all know Creepy Teacher is there so he can smell the back of my head and loom over me, which is what I'm pretty sure he did yesterday.

Disclaimer: A lot of you know who Creepy Teacher is. And he may not be creepy to you, but I genuinely get goosebumps every time he passes me. Although it may not be extremely creepy, to me, he is. But he could be a great guy for all I know. A great guy who eats babies' souls.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I'm Feeling Guilty Tonight

Hey folks! Lookee what we got here! September! The summer heat is finally ebbing away and the cool wisps of fall are creeping back in. Almost Halloween :3 So excited about costumes and parties and ghouls! I can already tell this is gonna be the best year ever. Maybe it's just the fact that I'm not bursting into flames anymore, but this weather cheers me up substantially.

You ever have that one thing you just can't give up? Crack addicts, put your hands down. Now's not the time. I mean something that isn't really HORRIBLE to love, but you may be, well, embarrassed if someone finds out. Like, perhaps 28 blog followers and counting. Well, today is the day when such things are exposed. Today, dear Inklings, is the day when you find out my


1. I am a horrible sucker for the Jonas Brothers. I never was until I saw their concert in eighth grade. Then everything changed. When Joe Jonas walked on that stage clad in ridiculously tight white jeans and sang Burnin' Up, well, let's just say the ten-year-old girls next to me got annoyed by my infatuated hysterical screamings of "JOOOEEEE!!! MARRY ME JOOOEE!! WE DON'T HAVE TO TELL MY BOYFRIEND! TAKE ME!!! TAKE ME, JOEEE!!" ...I bought the CD two days ago. I had to. I *had* to.

2. I am beastly addicted to Nutella. I say beastly because this wild animal inside of me comes roaring out whenever I'm eight feet away from Nutella. I don't know what goes on after the beast comes out, but once I'm back to my human form, I have hazelnut cocoa spread slathered all over my face. What can I say? I slaughter my spread. I can't control it anymore. I'm like Jacob Black whenever my whiny girlfriend dumps me for a vampire. WOLF MODE.

3. I have some interesting things on my Netflix instant playlist. Well, to be specific, I reserved all the seasons of Danny Phantom. Whenever my day gets bad, Danny is there, waiting for me with ghostly 14-year-old arms. His eyes, blue or green...they summon me. I can't help it--when he goes ghost, I must comply.

4. I'm ashamed to say that I am a horrible die-hard fan of chewing the paper of cupcakes. OK, lemme explain. You ever eat a cupcake, a delicious tasty oh my gosh can I have another kinda cupcake? Well, the party doesn't have to end there, kids. In fact, one could say the party has just begun. Because after you eat that cupcake? You still have that wrapper in your hands. And no one's looking...and there's those yummy crumbs in a thin little coating on the bottom with that frosting on the very tips of the cusp of the wrapper...why not just...we'll just take this wrapper up here to this here mouth and...NOMNOMNOM. Seriously, it's delicious. And so what if you swallow some paper by accident? I'm sure someone somewhere does that to help with digestion. Point is, if no one catches you (which someone totally did last time I tried this at a baby shower), then you are set to enjoy sorta disgusting yumminess.

5. I do something else that is a little embarrassing. I plan my wedding. All the time. ALL THE TIME. Seriously, ask me anything. Style of dress? Mermaid with sweetheart cut. Table setting? Floating candles. Rice, birds, butterflies, or bubbles? Bubbles. Eleanor Roosevelt had rice thrown at her wedding. Then some punk threw some and a spec of rice got lodged in her ear and she never got it out. Eleanor was a swell gal, but that is one trait of hers I would never repeat. So, yeah, bubbles.

There you have it! More reasons to call me a Freak in a public setting and me turn around to answer :)

What's YOUR guilty pleasure? Comment! :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Puppies and Socks. asemimemoir.

Hello everyone! ...Now say it back to me. We'll start out simple.
Hell. Right. Say it. Your mother is not around. Good. Hell. Now. OH. Hell-oh! Need a visual?
Alright, you just died and you ask someone where you are. This is your response:
"Hell? OH!"
And then the man you just asked calls you a dirty word and walks away mumbling about how
ignorant all the newcomers are.
Wasn't so hard, was it? Now let's proceed like civilized people.

Yesterday, I did face paint for little kids for FIVE HOURS. It was rather fun. I made one boy into a cute little puppy and he was so sweet and adorable. He was very cooperative and listened well when all of a sudden, he stopped, looked right at me, and I saw little tears spring up in his big brown eyes. I was just about to ask what was the matter, when he wailed
I misunderstood and thought maybe he wanted a dragon or robot or something but then I heard this conversation between father and son.
Dad: Hey, what's wrong, buddy?
Son: I'm gonna be a dog forever!
Dad: What? No, no, son, you're not gonna be a dog, it's just face paint!

So turns out, I'm a wizard...I'm sorry little Timmy had to find out this way.

I also let my friend give me some henna and I applied a lot of it to my "brother's" back. If you don't know what henna is, here it is in three words
  1. Brown
  2. Goopy
  3. Eucalyptus
It lasts a month, supposedly. So I may, in fact, have visible henna tattoos for a month, which may be a problem with my very strict, very private, very awkward Christian school.

At least we don't wear uniforms. But if we did, I'd be wearing some crazy socks.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


OK, so I'm in a cheesy girly mood and I've been dying to rewatch Titanic :3 and also get my hands on DECENT chick flicks (hopefully):
  1. One Day
  2. Crazy Stupid Love
  3. Love Story
Yeah. So, in honor of me missing my beau and couples everywhere, I've decided to share some cuteness for all to see. Enjoy, darlings. <3

There was a lot more photos but my computer died.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Lovely Lunes: Kids

Oh, now that title makes me want to listen to some sweet ole MGMT...

Here's the thing, folks. I do not like children as of late. Yelly, screamy, smelly, whiny...pretty much a midget version of me. But in movies? Man, I love them kiddos. So, Lovely Lunes? Movie children.

Ron Howard as a lil tyke before he made movies and such. Look at those freckles!

Short Round from my least favorite Indiana Jones movie, Temple of Doom.

Oh this kid is so precious. From a chick flick, The Switch, he was such a pessimist, it was like me in little boy form.
Max from Where the Wild Things are. "LET THE WILD RUMPUS START!"
Dennis the Menace is no menace to me :3

What's your favorite movie kids?

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Whenever I'm seriously peeved, I write angry letters to people in my head.
"Dear Woman Controlling The Shopping Cart,
Look where you're going.
That Was My Foot."
Which is why I'm a big fan of this site here.

I still have about 8 old movies cluttering my mother's hope chest...Unfortunately, most teenagers do not find a "Cary Grant Movie Marathon" to be something to get excited about. I don't see why, the man's a dream boat. I mean, listen to his voice!

Like all my links lately? I just discovered this...I'm a tad overkilling it.

You ever want a cool nickname? Gosh, do I want one for several reasons.
  1. Jenna is the absolute most common name in the whole wide entire universe and today I've decided I rather don't enjoy this name. For Pete's sake, I was watching some tripped up Vampire Show (Vampire Diaries, True Blood, This Show Bites Waste Your Time on Something Useful, IDK these names anymore...) and the girl was screaming "JENNNAAAA JENNNAAAA!!!" Stop calling my name, glitzed up blood sucker!
  2. I like the weird feeling of having a nickname. Like, you're automatically cool with a name people have to ask about. And then they just forget and everyone calls you that name.
  3. I feel like I could be a member of Sandlot or Little Rascals if I had a killer nickname.

it was never meant to be, Alphalpha.

Don't cry.

The Pose You're Stuck With

We all do this. We take pictures of ourselves and always do that ONE POSE. Usually we don't even notice we're doing it. We could even do it in public with friends or family. The ONE POSE that your face automatically makes when a camera clicks. I'd like to call mine "The Doe in the Headlights Look". Here, look what I mean.

I think I'm trying for innocence or beauty via surprise? I honestly don't know. What's your One Pose? Email me :
I'll feature my favorite photo <3

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Threadless Battle

Hey there, Remaining Readers! Seriously, you who are still reading, I hope you have oodles of blessings showered upon your quirky heads. You guys make my day. Total honesty.


Alright, folks. How many of you have heard of ?
If not, let me give you the low-down of this awesome awesome site.
Threadless dot com is a place for user made graphic tees. If you've ever seen me lurking the streets in the dead of night, you know...I love ze graphic tees :3
So, I've been stalking threadless for years now, but always been very hesitant to buy anything (I fear online shopping...something like maybe they'll send me a piranha instead of a graphic T...). But this week, I looked in my tiny coffee change can and realized, I've got substantial amount of money. TIME TO BUY THE SHIRT.
Here's the thing...I'm torn between three shirts. Three gorgeous awesome graphic tees. And I need YOU, yes, YOU, to help me pick one out. So. Take a gander.#1--Called "colorblind" . I love the old movie theme and the explosion of colour :3
#2--Called "happily ever after". The love vibe is adorable, and the ink dripping--ahh <3
#3--Called "sunny leo". I wuv lions...lions who are colourful ^^

So, obviously, I can't decide, and I need to decide soon! So be a cool cat and post a comment saying #1, #2, or #3. Don't worry if you're not a member, I made it so EVERYONE can comment because I really need an answer!
Love you guys!
Hope your summer is the foshizzz.

Friday, July 29, 2011

A Semi-Eulogy

Summer is rapidly shutting off like a dying lightbulb but I'm still shaking some watts of voltage outta this light fixture before we have to turn out the light and pick up the boring books no one reads for fun.
IF you ask me, I'd say the education via school is a big fat waste of time. I haven't learned anything that important in school...and those people in that big white box absolutely drive me bonkers most of the day. I learn more in the summer. I'll tell you what I learned when I finally screw off the bulb *SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK*

You know what I still have to do? Read books like crazy, get some sno-cones at my favorite sno-cone stand of all time Frost Bites, watch all the Marilyn Monroe flicks on Netflix, have a photoshoot in a field, do my summer reading assignment, catch up on my superhero movies, buy actual clothing, and maybe dramatically change one or seven more things about myself...

Oh, summer, where are you slipping off to? Maybe when the summers die, they go up to heaven and stay up there. And when your life is over, and you leave this summerless world behind, you go up to heaven and there are all those good old summers waiting for you. Just miles and miles of carefree memories that you thought left ages ago. I think that's heaven. Just warm memories full of laughter and crazy fun. I'll leave at that note. Give me an echo to know you're there?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

In Depth Fear: Shower Curtains

We all know I'm a bit quirky. OK, OK, very quirky. But you all love me, right? I feel like I'm talking to a brick...

Anyways! We all know that as a quirky person, it's only rational to have irrational fears. And I have several. In fact, I'm sure quite a few posts back, I've discussed several of these in list-form (because a Quirk loves to list things, right? 1. Why 2. Yes 3. Indeed). But I wanna get up close and personal with a fear--The Fear of Shower Curtains.

I don't really know when this fear developed. Maybe after watching Haunting in Connecticut when the girl is getting strangled through the shower curtain. Maybe after watching Psycho. Maybe after The Grudge. All I know is, in horror movies? Bad stuff happens to chicks in the shower. Not dudes. GIRLS. What am I? A girl. Maybe this is why I'm a frequent bath-taker....

What do I do that makes me aware of my fear? Well, for one, I've always checked the curtain first whenever I enter the bathroom for any purpose. Cleaning, toilet-usage, washing hands--you name it, I'm looking behind the curtain. I also leave it partially open when I do take a shower, so that if any demonic presence wishes to strangle me, at least I'll see it in time to grab my shampoo bottle in fear.

The other thing I do is quite embarrassing. When a guest in others' homes, I like to check behind the curtains as well. And yesterday, for the first time, I was caught. This was extremely uncomfortable for several reasons, and because I'm a Quirk, I will list them.
  1. I don't know if you know this, but I dress rather artsy. I exude the "I hate sports" vibe with my clothing. I was in a house full of the track team of my school.
  2. I had always been looked at from an odd angle from all those present.
  3. No one normal would ever check behind a shower curtain.
I usually check the curtain and say

"Oh! Hey! Nothing there!"
But yesterday, there was. And I freaked out. It turned out to be a vacuum cleaner (???) hidden in the bath tub. I was whispering to my friend about how this lady had a vacuum cleaner in her shower (once again--???) when my hostess overheard me.

Hostess: Jenna, did you check behind my shower curtain?
Me: Uh, yeah.
Hostess: What made you do that?
Me: I, uh, always check to see if there's someone in there trying to kill me.
*Whole room has nervous laughter*

On the plus side, one girl said she does that all the time....

Does anyone else? Comment :)

RANDOM FACT NO ONE CARES ABOUT: I have learned to draw the World's Cutest Vikings. I have no idea why I started drawing Vikings, but I have to admit, I am a beast at it.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lovely Lunes

Good morning to the few Inklings I possess! Today's Monday again--time for something lovely!

Today's lovely thing is...*drumroll*: Netflix.

Yes, my friends, that sounds like product placement. But Netflix has been my absolute favorite commodity this week! I've watched a whole butt load of movies thanks to it!
And by butt load, I mean three.
  1. Hello Dolly!
  2. Funny Girl
  3. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Instant is so accessible and I'm so happy that I can watch all my old movies :3 It's really been one of the major highlights of my summer.

What's something lovely about your lunes? Comment!

Send your random:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sorry Mommy Dearest...

Top Five Plus One Ways That I Will Not Be Like My Parents.
  1. I shall not own one single dish that has or depicts fruit, leaves, or farm animals.
  2. My bed sheets shall not have moose or grizzly bears on them or have random Christmas carolers... in the middle of July.
  3. Just because it's all natural doesn't mean it smells good.
  4. Do not buy an exotic pet that SPEAKS. Mainly the phrase "Jenna, shut up."
  5. I will not proudly display all my books on the more intimate parts of marriage--especially where my daughter's boyfriend can see every time he visits.
  6. I will not turn on the T.V. to better view the movie I'm already watching on my laptop.


I want you guys to send me as much junk and interesting random things you could possibly imagine. Maybe fan mail, hate mail, mail mail...send me whatever catches your fancy:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bang bang bang. A drama.

Janey wanted bangs.
She'd been wanting them for a long time and tonight was the night she
was gonna get those straight, smooth, edgy bangs.

I had bangs once.
Those were the days when boys would run from me
And girls would take me to the playground to beat me up
Screaming how I looked like a poodle and how frizzy I was.
I hated bangs for years and years.
Haven't had them since 6th grade.

Last night was my first sleepover.
Probably my last, too, but Fortune was kind.
We were gonna be wild.
Originally, I suggested wacky hair dye--my preference in "rebellious".
But Janey wanted bangs.

It was 3:30 or something. We were watching Eat Pray Love which is absolutely horrible
We were all hyped up on lack of sleep, celebration, cookies, and Limited Edition Mt.Dew
I turn to Janey. We whip out the 17 Magazine "Cut Your Own Hair" article.
She cuts her bangs and they are beautiful. She looks like Feist. She looks Hipster.
I look in the mirror. I look hard. And I can't see Bangs on my Forehead.
All I see is this dorky, geeky, frumpy blob staring at me with a pasty face and droopy eyes.

"I want bangs, Janey. Can you cut them for me?"

Snip! Snip! Snip! Already the grief is settling in me. Already I start to feel hollow.
I'm not letting it show yet though. I'm cracking jokes and smiling and squealing.
Snip! Snip! Snip! It's getting shorter and shorter. This is a Bad Idea.
I'm still laughing and joking, but I can hear panic creep into my voice.
Snip!! Snip!! Sn---"That's long enough. Let's go look!" I sound so happy.

We straighten them. We examine. She looks sort of, well,
I look into the mirror and see a blob staring back.
A blob with men's hair from 1973.
A blob that looks like a shaggy dog.
This wasn't a Bad Idea.
This was a Monsterously Idiotic Idea.
I can see my smile shatter and I can see my eyes dim.

We finish the movie and I silently fret. No big deal. No big deal. No big deal.
I crawl into bed. I crawl in and

I wake up. I have forgotten. I touch my hair. There they are. Ugly Bangs with Fangs.
And I can think is how Ugly Ugly Ugly I am. And how I wanted to see my boyfriend the next day and now I can't because I look absolutely hideous and I would die if he could see me and what will my mom think when she sees how stupid I am and what will all my rich fashionable skinny friends think when they see how poorly cheap and stupid I am.

We call the Hair Stylist. She can get us in at 3. We wait and wait. I get in finally at 4:something.

Snip snip snip. "All about texture, Jenna. You just need texture."
I walk out feeling a lot better.
Till Wal-Mart. Where I can see my reflection flash on the glass doors holding frozen food.
I am five again. I look like my mother. I am five again. I am hideous. I am stupid.
I'm still that frizzy girl on the playground.
I see myself as a ghost because of hair.

Today, I've been banging my head on walls until I'm numb.
I can't handle stress and disappoint very well...
Today I've been crying on and off when Janey turned around.
I can't handle change very well either...
Today I've been wishing I didn't exist.
I have a self confidence issue.

That's my summer misadventure.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Quote Me as Saying I Was Misquoted

"I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book."

"I have a mind to join a lub and beat you over the head with it."

"I intend to live forever, or die trying."

"I must confess, I was born at a very early age."

"I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. Yesterday is dead; tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy."

"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."

"Whoever named it necking was a poor judge of anatomy."

"Why, I'd horse whip you if I had a horse."

"From the moment I picked up your book up until I laid it down, I was convulsed with laughter. Someday I intend to read it."

"I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."

--All quotes, including title, were made by Groucho Marx. I was only looking up one quote of his, the one about television and books, when I stumbled across all this. I was laughing for a good while and was thinking "I want to share this!" so here it is. I've never watched any of his movies, but he seems to be a very funny man, so I'm adding his films onto my list IMMEDIATELY.

Lovely Lunes

Hello there! I've been a tad forgetful to post anything recently, but I haven't forgotten to be consistent with my one weekly feature <3

Today's Lovely Thing is:

Old Movies

Recently, I've been craving old movies like chocolate. I just finished watching Nosferatu, a movie that was on my "To Watch" list for who knows how long. I'm so excited I got to see it, and I'm really surprised at how much I enjoyed it, even though it was a silent film! The acting was a little cheesy, but I like that about old movies. Everyone was super dramatic to make up for the lack of effects and budget. One of my favorite old movies of all time would be Some Like It Hot with Marilyn Monroe. I think its plot line is ten times better than the chick flicks we're given today, and watching how all the men simply drool over Marilyn strikes me to be hilarious.
Other old ones I love are: Pretty in Pink, The Haunting on Hill House, Casablanca, The Bishop's Wife, Holiday Inn, White Christmas, Sound of Music, The Haunting, Psycho, The Birds, The Wizard of Oz, Meet Me in St. Louis, and The Canterbury Ghost.
Now we all know, I have a list fetish. And here's the Lovely Lunes Old Movie List of Movies I Want to Watch that are old:
  1. Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock)
  2. The Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock again...)
  3. Dial M for Murder (Guess who directed this one...)
  4. Wasp Woman (Old B-Horror film)
  5. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (supposedly one of the best early horror films of all time)
  6. The Red Shoes (I have no idea what this is about, I just love red shoes.)
  7. Bonnie and Clyde (I love her style in this movie!)
  8. Dear Sir With Love (I love the actor in this movie, I can't spell his name right, though..)
  9. Flashdance (I own the shirt, I should see the movie.)
  10. Breakfast at Tiffany's (I hated My Fair Lady, so I wanted to give Hepburn another try)
And that, my dear friends, is the lovely Lunes thing of the week. Grab an old movie and watch it in my honor, will ya? Also, leave a comment of your favorite old films, I'd love to get some recommendations! :D

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Awesomest Dead People Around

I'm in quite the bad mood. So I decided to fill the blog with death. Awesome death, though. Dead people can be cool.