Man: Welcome to "Hoarder's Collected", a television dedicated to the lifestyles and issues dealing with hoarders and their tragic lives. We got a phone call from a friend of a young lady who has dealt with hoarding since, they say, first grade. We're here to observe and intervene in this woman's life and try to make a change. Let's take a look inside.
(Walks up the front drive and stops instantly)
Man: Why are there so many garden gnomes in this yard?! There's got to be at least two hundred! And there's glass bottles hanging from the trees?! This woman must be an alcoholic or something... <NOTE: I love garden gnomes. They're so quirky and adorable. And I saw in the movie "Because of Winn-Dixie", this scary lady had glass bottles hanging from her tree. I've wanted that for years.>
Man: Let's keep going. (walks up to the door and looks down at the mail slot.) All these envelopes and postcards have crammed into the slot---if you get a close up, Jimmy, you can clearly see that most of these are sent from the very same woman that we're about to meet.
Man: (opens the door that has "Come In", a poem by Shel Silverstein, written all over it). Hello? Anyone here? Hello? Oh my gosh, look at the ceiling, Jimmy! There's a thousand paper cranes above us! Oh, look at the coffee table! There's twenty tea cups in them with buttons crammed in them! And a typewriter with mountains of paper piled against it! And if you draw your attention to the walls--you can easily observe the millions of song lyrics, poems, quotes, and random words...we are truly witnessing a maniac. "Oh, dear, it's been hardly a moment and you are already missed"....I like song lyrics.>
Me: Dude, what are you doing in my house????
Me: Ummm...a dress, rain boots, a fake mustache, and a top hat, cat's eye glasses, and thirty seven bracelets. Why?
Man: (looks behind her) YOUR BOOK SHELF! IT'S ABOUT TO EXPLODE!
Me: Well, duh. There's two thousand books in there. I had to buy two wardrobes to shelve all my books. I never dust them, though.
Man: Is that...trees in your bedroom?
Me: Yeah, they come in through the twelve windows.
Man: Is that...?
Me: Forty bars of soap? Yep. There's more in my eighth closet.
Man: Let's get out of here, Jimmy! This woman is clearly insane!!!!
i know. ^^