Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Indemerds and My Dad

You've caught me on a rambling day, Inklings. First of all, if you look outside, you'll realize we are literally being viciously attacked by a snow monster. I love this snow monster on account of now I have decent snow, and no school. So yay!
All my life, I think I've been caught between three stereotypes of people: nerds, emos, and hipsters (Indie rock lovers). I think I need to create a new stereotype just for me call indemerds. Indemerds are people who
  • Listen to classy music, rock music, and soundtrack film scores.
  • Dress in dresses, skinny jeans, and a tee shirt with a corny inside joke.
  • Have wavy, teased, in pigtails hair.
  • Read classic literature, don't read, reads science fiction.
  • Watches movies that are either in black and white or made for Sundance, watches anything as long as friends are there, watches every single cult classic known to man.
  • Shops at thrift stores, Hot Topic, and Vintage Stock.
Yep, that's me in a nutshell.

You know, I don't feel good about this blog because I'm listening to baroque that my Dad is playing. My dad has a very strange variety of hobbies. Maybe I should list them for you so that you realize what I live with and why I'm partially insane before thirty years old.
  1. My dad is obsessed with coffee. He makes his own. OK, not so strange, but I mean, I'm just warming up.
  2. Dome homes. What the heck is a dome-home, you ask? It's a house with a dome for a roof. We were close to buying a few. We would stop in the middle of nowhere if there was one, and my dad would talk to the owner for about thirty minutes.
  3. Storytelling. No, he doesn't tell stories. He just had rented a zillion books from the library about it.
  4. Dog Training.
  5. Compost building. We still don't have a compost pile, we just rented three videos and seven books about it.
  6. Balloon Animals. We don't own any balloons.
I wish he was into hot rod cars, but I guess my dad has some sort of finesse and vigor most men don't understand. I would say this was my Dad's mid-life crisis, but the fact that it's been happening all my life sorta disproves that theory. At least he's rarely bored.

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