Congrats. No, seriously, good job. I'm jealous. You have someone to give you chocolate that isn't your mom. Seriously, give your partner a big kiss for me, okay? Just so that you know how to appreciate the chocolate-dealers. Moving on...
Valentine's Day is not a day to say I love you. Because, guessing by the fact you're taken, I'm pretty sure they know you love them. No, Valentine's Day is more like a "LET'S PARTY AND NOT BE SINGLE!" day. So, do something fun and out of the ordinary. For example:
- Picnics. It doesn't have to be dorky and old-fashioned. You can get Mountain Dew and Little Debbie cakes if you wanna. Just go outside, if weather permits, and eat. If not outside, inside! Get a blankie, a basket, maybe some movies?
- Movie marathons. Okay, you CAN'T get chick-flicks unless they're awful and cheesy, that way you can make fun of it. Please, don't rent the Notebook. Or, you can do a series, like Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings...NOT Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
- Make food together. Bake cookies, pasta, whatever! Just as long as you do it together, it'll be a blast.
- Play video games. I know I bashed video games a second ago, but hold on. I watched someone else play, and I didn't get to. That's different. Playing together is fun and a competition, so go on ahead.
Just promise me, this Vday, no tattoos of whoever on your arm and NO JEWELRY THAT IS OVER TWENTY BUCKS. You'll regret it later, I pinky promise. Just make something sweet or get them something little if you wanna. No need to go over the top.
Hey buddy. I know what it's like. Believe you me, I know. Go ahead and punch something. It's okay. But hey, at least you're not dating a jerkface, right? There's always a plus.
What you can do!
- Get together with friends and DO SOMETHING. Lazer Tag, Bowling, going to a park, sleepover, whatever! Chances are, there are some people single like you who are bored to tears. Fix it.
- Destroy stuff. Do you have old broken furniture or teddy bears leftover from an ex? Burn it, break it, smash it--whatever, just destroy!
- Make stuff. You can paint a picture of the ideal girl/boy or your ex getting ran over by a truck. You can mess around with Apple's garage band and make a song. You can make a YouTube video. Get creative.
- Go to a horror film. No romance crap. Just get in and get scared, it's an adrenaline rush.
And everyone, EVERYONE, can make homemade Valentine's Day cards for friends, family, enemies, whatever! I made twenty yesterday and I felt ready to go save kitties from trees.
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