Friday, February 4, 2011


"I give myself the very best advice, but I very seldom follow it"--Alice in Wonderland (cartoon)

You ever think of such great advice, you feel the need to be quoted? I sure do. All the time, in fact. But, as the quote above puts it, I very seldom follow it. Here's just a quick crash-course in failed Jennaphilosophy:
  • I vowed to always break up with someone as soon as I knew I didn't love them. Um, yeah, never listened, always regretted.
  • I vowed never to drink soda pop because I'd get fat. I drink it all the time. I'm getting fat.
  • I vowed never to let someone read my diary. I did. They got mad. I got depressed.
So, as you can see, I fail at my own advice. But sometimes, I give such great advice, I feel the need to share. Or sometimes, I say such funny things, I feel the need to be quoted. Here's a few clever things (in my own twisted mind, at least) that I'm willing to share with the world. All from my diary. See Vow #3 and laugh now.

"You know, you can make a thousand promises not to fall in love, but I assure you, you will break them every time. Because love is unstoppable. It is the most fragile thing in the world, and it can end at any given time, but I swear to you---love will never ever die."

"I'm so glad I'm over the stage in my life when boys are no longer human but God Almighty himself."

"Blue reminds me of life. When I see blue, I think of fun. the first time when I realized I loved blue was when I held a robin's egg. The sky blue made me feel like the baby inside was 10% more important because it had the whole sky wrapped into one shell. Then I broke it."

"Just because you've never been in love doesn't mean love doesn't exist. Chances are, you've never been in boiling lava, yet you believe in it, don't you?"

"You don't have a movement? Well, I guess, without any movement, you'd be dead, right?"

"When someone says 'jump!', don't reply 'how high?'. Instead, smile at them politely and kindly knee them in the face."

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