Tuesday, May 17, 2011

everyday i'm shufflin'

HELLO THERE, CRUEL WORLD! <3 Sorry I've been gone, although no one has noticed, I apologize regardless. I have been AMAZINGLY busy--with friends, a certain boy, and stinkin' homework. But, here is some posties for you to love on.

I'm entering a writing contest soon, and I'm going to try to publish my poetry for the first time since I was an emotionally insane preteen. I'm down to picking two, so I would LOVE LOVE LOVE some feedback to figure out which one I should send, or if I should send at all. Holla!!

First poem:


Let's live in a silent movie

Let's dream in black-and-white

The audience will read our motions

Like a highlighted, wrinkled script

I can tell you "iloveyou" with one bat of my lashes

You can shoot me down without an echo

With shiny black bullets from your shiny black gun

We'll laugh and no one will hear us

We'll whisper without one sound


Together we'll make the audience feel

Our kind of friction between the scenes.

Second poem:

ONE DAY (icouldalwaysbeprovedwrong)

One day we'll hate each other.

One day you'll forget my name

I'll be a ghost in your dreams

That munches on your broken heart

You'll be all my regrets and complexes

That rattle endlessly in my mind

Every kiss we'll have will fill

With echoing regrets and remorse

Every secret spoken softly

Will be betrayed and exposed

Our bright days will cloud over

Our starry nights will end in fire

The love songs we love we'll turn off

The things we say we will swallow

YET when I see you

The darkness runs

YET when I hear your voice,

I become sunlight

The silly things you do to cheer me up

Turn all my fears into dust

Those rare sappy sentiments said?

They're treasures in my heart.

One day, we'll hate each other,

One day, you'll forget my name,

We'll get ripped apart by stormy weather

But I have always loved to dance in the rain.


1 comment:

  1. well the first one is very good but i REALLY like the second one. Its just good. Cant think of good adjectives but i like it.


Lend me an echo?