Summer Goals of a Girl Who Previously was Enslaved by School
- Pierce nose. Yeah yeah yeah, I know "rebellious". See me go "whatever" all rebellious-like.
- Streak my hair with blue. Not quite sure how much I want, but oh well! Blue is all mermaid-y, which is perfect because of the new POTC movie AND I'll get to see the ocean for the first time this summer! :D
- Cross off 17 Things from my Bucket List. Examples? See a Rated R movie (Sweeney Todd), go paint-balling, visit a hippie know, the usual.
- Learn CPR.
- Get permit. I know, it's sad. I'm seventeen (almost!) and I don't even have my permit. I am reminded of my failure every single day, so thanks.
- Here's a biggie--Watch 100 Movies. Any suggestions would be great! A few I want to see: Red Shoes, Paranormal Activity, Nosferatu, Dead Poet's Society, Arthur...a lot. But suggestions are welcomed with snuggles.
- Read 50 Books. Again, suggestions welcomed. A few I want to read is Lord of the Flies, a book about sensing emotions through cake, Lolita, and It's Kind of a Funny Story.
- Write a book. I have three or four in the works...which is depressing that they're titled "in the works" and not "ready to be published".
- Become a vintage guru. No special meaning behind that, I just want to re-do my closet with stuff my grandma would wear to prom <3
- Get 30 service hours. Not actually for the points at my school, but just to do something beneficial for someone besides me.
- Be a vegetarian for a week. So many times have I failed this...
- Rap Bustarhyme's part in "Look at Me Now". I know, this is probably HIGHLY unlikely to happen, but summer is for dreamers, right?
- Get a job. $$$$$$$$ is what I need, which is totally against my hippie morals, but unfortunately, having fun usually needs a smidgen of dough.
Think I could do it? ;D
haha nice list :D you can do it. Lord of the flies btw is a pretty violent book but i really liked it :)