Monday, July 4, 2011

Lovely Lunes

Lunes--Spanish word for Monday.

I've decided to have some consistency in my life besides sneaking chocolate on a daily basis.

Every Monday, the "worst" and most dreaded day of the week, I'm going to post something lovely.


[luhv-lee] adjective, -li·er, -li·est,noun, plural -lies, adverb
charmingly or exquisitely beautiful: a lovely flower.
having a beauty that appeals to the heart or mind as well asto the eye, as a person or a face.
delightful; highly pleasing: to have a lovely time.

The Lovely Things This Lunes is:

I have just cleared out 5 drawers full of paper and random gizmos. Now everything is in a rightful place and my room is less cluttered and I have three bags of paper goods to recycle in the near future (says the notorious procrastinator). Some goodies I've found during my vicious rummaging:
  1. A tree made out of gold wire and attached to a pink rock. Sooo pretty :3
  2. 2 postcards to add to the 59 postcards I already own.
  3. Letters from Hawaii from my childhood friend. She has the TINIEST writing I have ever seen.
  4. A dozen old birthday cards from either people who hate me now, my parents, or dead relatives. I find this strangely calming.
  5. About forty new words I love from an old day planner and four new quotes--NERD WIN!
Hope everyone's Fourth of July is full of fun stuff that has nothing to do with being patriotic! Like swimming and popsicles and not being stuck at home blogging! <3

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