Sunday, August 15, 2010

How to Bring Color into Your School Year

Last post I told you my opinion on how education cramps your style and opinions. But I did offer a solution and that was to bring color and break rules. Here's a few things that may help you get along.

Ways to Colour Your School Supplies:
  • Plaster comic book pages to your notebooks and folders
  • Draw mustaches on all your erasers
  • Fill your binder full of photographs
  • Buy a crossword puzzle book. Everyday, tear off a page and stick in your lunch bag/backpack. Pull out for lunch time and begin solving. This will create a great conversation boost.
  • Tie ribbons to the end of your pen/Draw on your pen with multi-coloured sharpies
  • Go to small grocery stores. They're dirt cheap. Pick out a dozen random folders.
  • Post pictures of ugly people/dogs/cats/buildings in your locker instead of the same-old-same-old celebrity crush pictures.
Ways to Brighten Other Miserable Student's Day:

  1. Pass out Hawaaiian leis. Not on a hot day, but in the middle of winter.
  2. Draw NICE not mean pictures and throw them into random lockers.
  3. Bring cookies at lunch for everyone to share.
  4. Pass out strange key chains and say to random people "Vote for Pedro" as you hand them one.
  5. Although they're not students, lunch ladies have a terrible time of things, too. So wink flirtatiously at one as you pick up that Jell-O!
Way to Stay Sane and Happy During the Year:
  • Does your literature assignment have a movie? Rent it and watch it. It may help you understand the book better, plus it's fun and doesn't hurt your brain.
  • Chew gum in class. If that's not allowed, buy a butt load of mints.
  • Wear 3D glasses one day to get people to laugh and you to feel cool.
  • A little weekend $hopping makes cents to everyone ;)
  • Rent random CD's from the library to listen to while doing your homework.
  • Ride your bike when you get home from school. It clears your head and is healthy for you.
  • When school is over, go into a bathroom and change into a silly outfit. Pray to God your mother drives you to Wal-Mart after school.

Pancakes are jealous of cupcake's curves.


  1. I have a cool comic that I think you would like to have for your folders.

  2. Jenna, I just read your last three posts. Color me behind! As usual, you amaze me and dazzle me with your wit and creative thinking. What a great way to start my day!

    Now, besides being (as I predict) one of the greatest writers ever, you can also find work naming designer nail polishes. Taxicab Yellow will have to be my favorite, I love the name, not the color, but because the name is so cool I would have to wear it. Can’t you just see me now…all my friends wooing and aawing over my nails, demanding to know the color. I would hold my hand out in dramatic southern style, throw my head back and say “Y”..dahlings, it’s Taxicab Yellow….of course”. (All the while feeling quite smug):)

    Love you my friend,
    From the quirky old lady at church ;)


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