Saturday, August 14, 2010

School, Flea Markets, and Minimentaries.

Well, folks, school is about to begin and I'm more scared than anything in this whole wide world. I look at my schedule and I see disaster clear in front of me like one of those creepy gravel country roads no one likes to drive down at night. What do I have?
  1. Latin. A dead language. Is this an omen? I believe so. Not just kid Latin either. Like, heavy metal, thickly bound textbook Latin. Never before had I hated a book so much.
  2. Biology. The study of life. Or, the study of some Christian quack who got expelled from teaching, wrote their own textbook, and has to connect EVERYTHING to God. I love God. Seriously, I love Him so much. But the thing is, I just wanna learn about photosynthesis, not the reason why God kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden and how in the world that connects to photosynthesis. My escape? I downloaded a They Might Be Giants album called "Here Comes Science!" just so that I can actually have some FUN. I'll tell ya which tracks to download.
  3. Algebra 2. It's the scary sequel to Algebra 1.
  4. Literature. I love love love books. I was caught at a used book store touching the binding and going "Oh. Oh my gosh. Lovely!" over and over again. But Literature this year? Beowulf. AKA The Most Boring Action Novel ever. Fantastic.
  5. Debate. I am sick of arguing in day-to-day life and I sure as pickles do not wanna be doing this with teenagers with a buttload of paper to memorize.
So, yes, in answer to your mind's question: Homeschool is fancier than ketchup and just as disgusting without any salty fries.

  • Nail polish. Three brand new bottles and they cost how much??? three bucks. SCORE! The colors?: Taxicab yellow, Liquid Moon Silver, and Vintage Pink. I made up those names, by the way.
  • Suspenders. From the forties. Eight bucks. I hope whoever owned them isn't dead, because I sure as heck don't want haunted suspenders.
  • Marbles. Glass. Pretty. Awesome. What more can I type?
  • Bracelet. Made of buttons and buttons alone. Thrifty and nifty and omgness awesome.
  • A heart made of stone. Now I can say "I HAVE A HEART MADE OF STONE!"
  • Old keys. ^^
SO, today was awesome.

DOCUMENTARIES I WANT TO FILM: (comment if you would like to help)
  1. The effects of makeup to girl's self esteem.
  2. Adventures in Tulsa: Finding Treasures in Boredom Land.
  3. Local bands
  4. Living Life @ Random

Superheroes could very well be gay. Just look at their tights.

COMING NEXT POST: Ways to boost your school supplies for less than $5

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