- Latin. A dead language. Is this an omen? I believe so. Not just kid Latin either. Like, heavy metal, thickly bound textbook Latin. Never before had I hated a book so much.
- Biology. The study of life. Or, the study of some Christian quack who got expelled from teaching, wrote their own textbook, and has to connect EVERYTHING to God. I love God. Seriously, I love Him so much. But the thing is, I just wanna learn about photosynthesis, not the reason why God kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden and how in the world that connects to photosynthesis. My escape? I downloaded a They Might Be Giants album called "Here Comes Science!" just so that I can actually have some FUN. I'll tell ya which tracks to download.
- Algebra 2. It's the scary sequel to Algebra 1.
- Literature. I love love love books. I was caught at a used book store touching the binding and going "Oh. Oh my gosh. Lovely!" over and over again. But Literature this year? Beowulf. AKA The Most Boring Action Novel ever. Fantastic.
- Debate. I am sick of arguing in day-to-day life and I sure as pickles do not wanna be doing this with teenagers with a buttload of paper to memorize.
So, yes, in answer to your mind's question: Homeschool is fancier than ketchup and just as disgusting without any salty fries.
- Nail polish. Three brand new bottles and they cost how much??? three bucks. SCORE! The colors?: Taxicab yellow, Liquid Moon Silver, and Vintage Pink. I made up those names, by the way.
- Suspenders. From the forties. Eight bucks. I hope whoever owned them isn't dead, because I sure as heck don't want haunted suspenders.
- Marbles. Glass. Pretty. Awesome. What more can I type?
- Bracelet. Made of buttons and buttons alone. Thrifty and nifty and omgness awesome.
- A heart made of stone. Now I can say "I HAVE A HEART MADE OF STONE!"
- Old keys. ^^
SO, today was awesome.
DOCUMENTARIES I WANT TO FILM: (comment if you would like to help)
- The effects of makeup to girl's self esteem.
- Adventures in Tulsa: Finding Treasures in Boredom Land.
- Local bands
- Living Life @ Random
Superheroes could very well be gay. Just look at their tights.
COMING NEXT POST: Ways to boost your school supplies for less than $5
i want to help film one and four :D