Wednesday, December 22, 2010

1.It's 2. a 3. List 4. Blog

Hello all you Inklings! Hope your days have been merry and bright and free of any bears with beards attacking you and your young! :)

Today is going to be a day of lists, so if you don't like lists, best you just jump off a cliff with scuba gear and dog-paddle away to Wisconsin where they accept freaks like you. No offense to the Wisconsinese, though.

Nervous Habits I Cannot Shake

  1. When I'm really upset at myself for doing something stupid, you'll catch me twisting my hands and fingers or scratching my arms like a polar bear with lice.

  2. I bite my lips a lot. One day, blood is going to shoot out of my lips like a jet-stream and *then* I may stop. Maybe.

  3. I laugh at everything. But my nervous laugh is the sort of laugh you'd expect from someone who started to laugh and then got gagged. It goes something like "Hahah---------------". Very irritating.

Most Annoying Christmas Carols in the Whole Wide Universe Cause the World Wouldn't Cover the Enormity of Their Annoyingness.

  1. I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. Let me help this kid out. Santa isn't real. Your parents are the people buying you all your gifties. And I'm guessing that Mom and Dad are not into the poaching industry. Sorry to ruin your hopes and dreams, but I mean, come on! The hippo is one of the most violent creatures in the animal kingdom! I did you a favor!

  2. All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth. Patience is a virtue you whiny kid.

  3. Silent Night. I never really hated this song until I heard Stevie Nicks sing it. Then I was determined that she was a goat and that this song is super irritating. We get it. All was calm, all was bright. But, guessing that a woman was giving BIRTH, I doubt all was calm. Just saying.

  4. We Wish You a Merry Christmas. This is the first song I learned on ukulele (I know, you were dying to know.). Reading the lyrics, it sortof translates into this: "We hope you're gonna have a good holiday NOW BRING US SOME FRIGGIN FIGGY PUDDING OR WE'LL LIVE IN YOUR HOUSE FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!!! ...Hope you have a good Christmas!"

Smells that Are Delicious

  1. Boys' Cologne. My friends and I were having a conversation at lunch and what we gathered by the end of it was this: "It's no use having a boyfriend if he doesn't wear cologne." Harsh, we know. True? We know that, too.

  2. Gasoline. You're thinking it, too.

  3. Magnolia Blossoms. If you want me to ever drool (which is a weird thing to want, don't you think?), spray a lot of this stuff around, because it is FREAKING DELICIOUS.

Things On My Mind this VERY.SECOND.

  1. Wow...I use CAPS a lot...

  2. Owl City is so catchy! That describes me perfectly!!

  3. I want a cookie. Badly. Someone, anyone, MOMMY, bake me a cookie.

  4. I really wish I had more money...

  5. Oh, yeah, and there's this boy....

If I don't blog anymore this week, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, even if it's totally lacking snow like mine will. Seriously, Weather, what is your problem?! Anyways, hope you get all you wanted and remember the Reason for the Season is not a Kindle. :)

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