Monday, June 7, 2010

Indians in Movies

Yesterday, I watched Pocahontas again. I have to say, I didn't quite enjoy it as much as I used to. But then, there was a few perks to it. Like, the fact that I realized Grandmother Willow looks like Robin Williams. You don't believe me? Watch it again. I dare you.
Another perk to watching Pocahontas was the fact that I came upon a realization. That realization was: Indians in films are wayy more dramatic than Indians in real-life. I have a full blood Indian friend and he's not talking in dramatic pauses all the time, nor does he make crazy insane metaphors. But, I decided, after watching Pocahontas, that I wanted to contribute to Native American film and make my own Indian movie. It's called:
~Indian at the Water Cooler ~
Scene One, Act Two.

Bill(walks to water cooler where Feet of Rabbit is standing, wearing full headdress): Hey, Feet of Rabbit. How you doing on those forms I gave you?
Feet of Rabbit (looking straight ahead with a face of stone): The forms are like the eagle--they drift in the sky after being torn to shreds.
Bill: Wait a minute...Feet of Rabbit, are you saying you tore up those forms???
Feet of Rabbit: It is the People's way to be as silent as a tarantula in labor.
Bill: What is THAT supposed to mean? Feet of Rabbit, if you tore up those forms, I'm afraid I'll have to fire you.
Feet of Rabbit: Sometimes, you must dance the Dance of the Purple People Eater for a good harvest. Other times, you must skin a bear like the willow bark makes a good burrito filling. But on this day, I must make like a rabbit on fire and run. (sprints out of cubicle)
Bill: So THAT'S why they call him Feet of Rabbit...guess it wasn't just a college nickname after all....

Girls say boys are confusing. Boys say girls are confusing. Do hermaphrodites find THEMSELVES confusing?

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