Monday, June 28, 2010

Rant on Old People (Generalization)

*kisses a frog that turns into an attractive announcer*
Announcer: We would love to formally apologize for neglecting all our darling little Inklings out there. The Pink Haired Princess of Print has been temporarily busy and/or suffering from near carpal tunnel and writers block combined. The only GOOD block is sun block, folks, and we apologized once again for our neglect. Now, I'm off to eat something besides flies. *Hops away*


I am now a year older! *yay!* SO that's cool. Done with the update. NOW ONTO...RANT!

Things that annoy the snot out of me:
Old people. Don't think I'm disrespectful, because, hey, I'm not. There are some seriously sweet wicked awesome elderly peeps out there. But don't you get tired of THIS after awhile:
Teenager: *turns on radio*
Old Person: Turn that racket off! Back in my day, we had REAL music!
Teenager: *touches a phone and presses a button*
Old Person: You hooligans are always so obsessed with your gosh-darn technology. Back in my day, we played with each other, not our cell phones.
Teenager: *coughs*
Old Person: BE GRATEFUL FOR YOUR HEALTH! You think a cough is bad?! I have emphysema!
Teenager: Didn't you get that from smoking eight packs a day?
Old Person: Shut your mouth. At least I know when my pants are too tight.

Seriously, we teenagers need to be the generation that doesn't pass soo much judgement. But! If we need to pass judgement, let it be like this:
Old Person: *begins to play Big Band music*
Teenager: You know, in this day and age, we don't even need instruments to create a beat.
Old Person: *writes a letter*
Teenager: You know, in this day and age, we can send texts faster than your postal service can send that. Your recipient could be dead by the time THAT letter gets to them.
Old Person: *stays healthy*
Teenager: Yeah, you can thank this day and age for our technology.
Old Person: Is that what you call BP? Technology?
Teenager: Shut your mouth. At least we know the difference between pills and Skittles.

P.S. I actually agree more with the stereotypical old person: Stop relying on technology for communication, snail mail is more personal. Stop wearing your jeans like skin, young men! I wish there was more instruments in the music industry. But, I do agree about the skittles thing

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