Saturday, July 31, 2010

Try to Understand and My Bucket List

I'm going to be serious for a little bit and rant on something that has bothered me for years and will most probably bother me until I'm an old lady surrounded by glass figurines in a smelly apartment.
What bothers me terribly is that I am dubbed by all teen-kind to be "the Planner". Why am I the planner of ALL events ever thought up by my friends? My mom has the theory that I was born to lead, which is flattering but seriously scary because I don't always want to be the leader. Sometimes, I just want to sit in the back of a car and have someone drive me to hang out somewhere awesome. I'm sick of being the one who searches for directions, calls all participating parties, checks hours of business, prices, and duration of every single activity I do. For once, I would just LOVE if a friend invited me over to a party. Just once. But instead? I get invited to a get-together where I have to plan every single stinking detail. I'M the one invited, but here I am, calling other people who are invited, checking movie show times, and really not enjoying one second of it.
There is so much that I want to tell you, Inklings, but I'm stuck in the situation where I've raised you to only like the funny side of me. When I'm angry, I get in trouble for talking about it. When I'm depressed, I get bashed behind my back. It's like I have no one I can trust anymore. No one wants to have me over because everyone just expects me to entertain.
I love to make people laugh. It's seriously the one thing I've always succeeded at. But, lately, I've realized that it's not my job to do that, and everyone will get silent and watch me. Wondering what crazy thing I'll do next. The thing is, I'm not JUST crazy. I love to have fun and I love to make people have a great day, but I'm not weird. I'm not different. I'm NOT crazy. I like to be serious, too. I like to do serious things like read classic fiction, write novels, and play my heart out on guitar when no one is around to make me feel like I don't know what I'm doing. I wish people could accept me as ME, the complicated creature who can be a great leader and funny but ALSO ME, who is depressed most of the time. ME who gets her feelings hurt. ME who likes to be spontaneous and welcomed.
I just thought you should know all this, because I'm praying someone out there will realize that I'm not "crazy", "random", and "weird." I'm nice, I'm really smart, and I'm creative. I want to be known for more than just one thing. Also, I hope some of you get the guts to make plans for yourself and to stop treating me like your mother.
Your psychotic, immature mother. Or so you think.

Now, moving on to semi-seriousness. I thought you all would enjoy my bucket list. :) All of this I seriously DO want to do, no matter how ridiculous it sounds. Hey, I may be serious sometimes, but I still can be a kid at heart. :)

BIG FAT BUCKET LIST: (abridged version)

  1. Convince cleaning ladies in a hotel that my hotel room is haunted/ I'm being beaten/I can turn invisible. Basically, scare them out of their minds. Their job is boring enough, I want to add some spice to their lives.
  2. Drive to absolutely nowhere for a week with my best friends.
  3. Go to Ireland
  4. Confront a past bully
  5. Buy random tee shirts
  6. Visit a haunted house and don't die
  7. Drink every flavor of Jones
  8. Break a crazy state law that is NOT in Oklahoma
  9. Play a song in a coffeeshop
  10. Have a hippie hug me
  11. See a gargoyle
  12. Wear a prom dress at least five times. Once in a fast food restaurant during winter.
  13. Watch a rated R film
  14. Ride on a train/subway/trolley/ship/public bus
  15. Catch a fish
  16. Attempt to milk a cow
  17. See a prostitute
  18. Go to a nightclub and just dance
  19. Have dinner on a roof
  20. Host a rave party
  21. Go to a Catholic service by myself.
  22. Swim in the ocean.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Questions and Answers

Hey there, magical teleporters of technology! Welcome to the age of insanity, where basically, I rule the world and it's sociably acceptable! :D No, but in all seriousness...your soul is mine. JUST KIDDING! Don't hit the panic button just yet, Batman, we still have a ways to go!

BRIEF NEWS UPDATE: You, dear Inklings, have caught me in a hyper mood caused by the magical potion known commonly as Mountain Dew, but known to me as "Liquid Crazy". Be prepared for random, crazy, and witty humor.

MOVING FORWARD TO THE FUTURE! Questions. Here are the lovely questions posted by you lovely people on my lovely last lovely post published ever so lovelyful.

Ask by Chimeran: If you could take one food you hate
person u hate or strongly dislike whatever works for u
one country u hate
and one random thing u hate and just make them dissapear what would those things be and where would they go when they "dissapear"

Here we go:

Food I hate: Lasagna.
Person I Hate: Miley Cyrus, considering I don't use real names of people I know personally on this blog.
Country I Hate: Um...New Guinea only because they're not all guinea pigs.
Random Thing I Hate: Snickers Bars
Where they would disappear: New Guinea.
  • I hate lasagna. First of all, it is spelled extremely strange. Like some two year old tried to say "La Saggy" or some random thing. It's just not naturally spelled. Secondly, the way you say it sounds like someone is strangling you and then you spit in their face(*you get strangled* You: aArrAGghHHLASAGNA!Bleeeeh!) And thirdly, because it reeks, looks like vomit, and slides into a giant glob of messiness when you move the plate just a little bit.989
  • Why I hate Miley Cyrus: I never disliked her as Hannah Montana because hey, kids like her. I hated her voice, though. I hated her lyrics because they were written by her dad instead of her and they were stupid. I also hated her fashion sense. But all in all, nothing bad for the kiddos. THEN, the beast was unleashed and now she's some sleaze bag Brittany Spears lesbo wannabe rubbing her backside where it doesn't belong. So, no, I'm not a fan.
  • New Guinea: No wild, giant guinea pigs run rampant there, so I don't see why it should exist.
  • Snicker Bars are not terrible. But I hate nuts in candy. Therefore, they must go.
Next question: Where do babies come from? JK! I'd rather not have that in EXTREME detail. Here's the real question...
What is the best thing to do in a different town other than where you currently live?--by jef_444

Babies come from a giant empress named Dahlia Dufroneze. She lives in a castle made of cellophane walruses and sees the sadness and loneliness in a woman's organs, so she plants a Baby Seed in a random female so that the female's tummy and liver and kidney will have one decent conversation in their lives with something cute. The empress doesn't chose men's bellies because they'd get accused of beer gut and she doesn't like to humiliate anyone.

Real answer: Where I currently live is terrible but cute. It's a small country town where everyone knows everyone and the shops get as modern as Sonic. Now, I didn't quite get the basis of the question, so I'll answer it in two ways. If you mean, in a random town other than my own, then I would say shopping. You don't need to buy anything, but looking at random shops is always fun. If you mean, which town would I go to and what would I do there, I would pick New York City. I would pick a Broadway play to see (most likely Wicked, Little Mermaid, or American Idiot), eat some pizza, and shop like crazy.

We all know about leap year, but when is the Fall on Your Face Because You Missed Year?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Short Post for Know-It-Alls

You little know it all. You think you're so tough. You think you know every little speck of information the world has ever acquired? Well guess what! Your pants are on fire. So there.

Don't you hate know-it-alls? We all have our areas of expertise, sure, but that one person who will never EVER let you have an opinion is the exact type of mammal that I want to put in a time capsule. That way people from the future can laugh at how primitive they are and the person will be humiliated for once in their life. I tried to talk to a know-it-all and this is how the conversation went down...sorta.
Me: I hear you like Green Day? I love that band!
Know-It-All: Yeah, I own every album.
Me: That's cool. My favorite song is "Little Girl".
Know-It-All: I don't pick favorites. I love all their songs equally. I'm a true fan because I love their songs equally.
Me: That's great...what's your favorite album, then?
Know-It-All: You can't love a band if you have to chose a favorite album. A true fan would know that.
Me: Yeah...I'm gonna bash my head in with a baseball bat now.


Good song: Chicago by Sufjan Stevens
Good movie: Stardust, Leap Year, and When in Rome
Good Thing to Do: Steal kittens for profit.

Everyone you should comment me a question and I shall answer it in extreme detail. Do it.

"I'm not short, I'm fun sized." No, you're just short. The only fun thing about your size is that you fit into small spaces like some sort of freak of nature. That and you can wear small children's clothing still. Other than that, there's nothing fun about you so stop wearing tee shirts about your size. "I'm not fat, I'm just in denial." Now there's a tee shirt with a message for you youngins.

Love Lives and Old People

You know what no one cares about? Your twitter update. But besides that, they hate to hear about your love life unless you're in their love life. It's true and you know it. This is a great example of the equivalent feeling you get when someone talks about their love life. Enjoy.

Person (lovelifetalker): Here. Hold my iguana.
You: I have no iguanas. I don't want to hold it.
Person: I didn't ask you. Everyone finds iguanas cool and life changing, so just hold my stinking reptile.
You: Even if I had an iguana, I would want to keep it to myself and not bother people with it. So, no.
Person: You seriously have no say in the matter. It's a worldwide fact that having an iguana is the singlemost greatest thing in the whole wide world. Soo just hold it for an entire thirty minutes of your life.
You: I hate you.

But as someone with an actual love life to speak of, I know what it's like on the other end. And I hate it. I don't want to tell you about my love life. It has nothing to do with the conversation unless you're asking if I'm single. So, this is what it feels like to me:

Person (can'tformadecentconversation): How's the sky doing?
You: It's the sky...? It changes occasionally but will always be the sky. What does this have to do with the conversation?
Person: How far have you gotten in the sky?
You: How is this relevant? I barely even know you.
Person: Did the sky have that big storm because of you?
You: How am I to know what the sky feels? I'm a person. It's the sky. I like the sky. End of story.
Person: Wanna go out?
You: So this is what it's all about.

You know, I rag on old people too much. I really do. So, this is a tribute to old people:

Ways Elderly are Certifiably Awesome to the Extreme Power of Coolness

  1. Your music. I love your big band music. Nothing says "break it down" like some swinging jazz tunes.
  2. Your clothes are amazing. No one pulls off a sequins-covered-flamingo-mumu like you do. You are bolder than a drag queen in Vegas.
  3. The way you speak is awesome. "Groovy", "nifty", "spiffy", "far-out", "swell", "golly", "hip". That is just so groovyniftyspiffyfaroutswellgollyhipawesome!
  4. Your cars look like they're made for celebrities, and yet you guys drive them! Your hot rods are what some would call "sexy cars".
  5. You are not afraid to critisize an entire generation...even if it is mine.
  7. You have great taste in small dogs. Poodles would not feel loved if not for you.
  8. You yell at your electronics. Way to speak your mind to those who don't have functioning brains!
  9. I seriously love all the punk rock old ladies who put purple in your hair. We match!
  10. You successfully have kept pudding, applesauce, and oatmeal factories up and running for centuries. I'm glad YOU like them, because my generation won't touch the stuff.
Do you ever suspect pregnant women of not being with child, but just fat in weird places?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

This is Half of An Original Post That Got Screwed Up in the Process of Awesome. Still...Read.

Hello. I am the blog. I just want to inform how careless your "beloved" narrator is to me. She never types to me anymore! Do you know how lonesome it is here? To be a forum, with NO friends? Not even ONE measly comment to keep me entertained and feeling beautiful. She is an absolute slob and she never keeps her commitments because she frets all day about you wretched followers. If you people weren't so gosh darn adorable, she would MAYBE feel good enough to write to entertain! So keep that in mind, you so-called Inklings! KEEP IT IN MIND!

I do so very dearly apologize to you guys. I was at camp and then my week has been BUSY BUSY BUSY like a buzzing bee who just found an entire mountain of daisies. Only, I hate daisies. So, I was a very busy and disappointed young bee impersonator. kjhasjh! Sorry, just checking my spell works! :D

I'd love to personally welcome all new Inkbots to this cavern of crazy--you are truly amazing for giving part of your time to read my goings-ons. :) *throws NOT daisies, but a nice flower to them and bows*

Here's a quick little rant to you: ANGER! There you go. Rant over. No, but seriously. I am sorta getting fed up with people older than me liking to pick fights. By the book (which, I wish someone could actually SHOW ME a book where this is an actual fact of life), adults are supposed to be the mature ones, and I'm supposed to be the reckless teenager joy-riding old ladies car to burn down an orphanage or something. But it seems to me that the adults are behind the wheel and prepared to commit arson. Why can't regular teenagers get in arguments with me?? That would be so much easier to handle!
Regular Teenager: You're stupid!
Me: My report card says otherwise.
Regular Teenager: Dangit. You're right.

See? Much easier to handle.

I went to an Indian Museum yesterday. I live in Oklahoma. Do you know how hot it gets hear? Too hot, my friends. Too hot. So I'm walking around for thirty minutes, wearing a black tee shirts and jeans with my fake-hair (straight hair. I'm as curly as a sheep in the wintertime) and there is this man who speaks better Cherokee than English explaining what the crap a pot is. I may not be full Cherokee (I am a smidgen) but I'm pretty sure we all know pots are made of clay. Just saying.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Titanic and Fairytales

Well, let's get this outta the way: Titanic. That movie....that movie seriously changed my life, I think. In all seriousness, it was sooo terrific and the saddest thing my eyes could ever witness. I'm not just talking the whole love story thing, either. It is sad because that actually HAPPENED. Those lives, they were taken by the sea and humanity was cruel and inconsiderate to not ensure their safety. To think that ALL of that could have been prevented just makes me furious. Seeing a mother and baby frozen in the water in eternal sleep was like a punch to the face and seeing the poor go down with the ship...even children...was...horrific. James Cameron may just make my top directors list, and I've only seen two of his films. (Yeah, you guessed it, "Avatar" and "Titanic".) But, there are definitely some mature parts in there, so I wouldn't recommend this to anyone super immature about things.

OK, so, with a nod towards Titanic, I realized that I heard the ending before I even saw the beginning. Thanks for spoiling it for me. AND spoiling the entire Harry Potter series, AND spoiling the last Twilight novel, AND spoiling Shutter Island, AND spoiling 13 going on 30, AND spoiling Sweeney Todd, AND spoiling about every other movie I decide to see. Seriously, Spoilers, what is your problem? Here is a spoiler for YOU: At the end of your life, you're gonna die.

Would Willy Wonka's place be interesting at all if it was a pharmaceutical factory?
Wonka: Come with me, and you'll see, pills for all your depressions. We'll begin if you have....a prescription....If you want to view paradise, take a lotta pills and chew it. That's how we do it. Any illness at all...there's nothing to it...
(Oompa Loompas walk in with labcoats)
(The children stare around for a long time)
Mike Teevee: I'm sick of this place, let's leave and go watch T.V.
Violet Beuregard: I'm leaving, too.
Veruca Salt: I want my OWN pharmaceutical factory NOW!
Augustus Gloop: No food, no stay. (trudges out)
Charlie: In all due respects, Mr. Wonka, but this place sucks. (leaves with other chidlren)
(all that remain is Wonka and Granpa Joe)
Granpa Joe: Got anythin' for the poops?

Ewwwwwww. What if Wizard of Oz, instead of a tornado, it was a tsunami?

Dorothy: Get in the house, Toto!
(tsunami explodes windows)
Dorothy: Nevermind, we're as good as dead, anyways. Not like this place was hoppin'.....

What if Cinderella didn't get a ballgown but instead, a sparkly jumpsuit?

Prince: Good Lord, woman, what are you wearing?
Cinderella: Um...I don't really know....
Prince: You look like you jumped out of Saturday Night Fever...That's my favorite movie!!!
Cinderella: (smiles widely) Really?
Prince: Hahahaha! No. Who likes that movie?! No, but seriously, you look like a freak. (walks away to dance with a semi-ugly step-sister)
Cinderella: First, they call me Cinderella. Then a fat old lady tells me she can do whatever she wants by singing a retarded song. Now, I get dumped because of this flambouyant and obnoxious whatever-this-is. I'm going home to talk to some mice.

What if the Little Mermaid wasn't a mermaid, but half-sea monster?

Little Sea Monster: PART OF YOUR WORLD!!!
Prince: HOLY COW!!! What is that thing?! Her's like a goddess...but her body...well, it's bigger than the ship!
Little Sea Monster: Don't be afraid! I saved you!
Prince: Yeah, right, like a monster like you could save me.
Little Sea Monster: It's true!
Prince: (addressing crew) Shoot her down, boys. And, Chef Pier? Get your sushi tools ready.

If bananas can do splits, can apples do backhand flips?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ode to a Playground Bully/ Bits and Ends

Ode to a Playground Bully:

O, Dear Bully, you make me laugh,
When today we twice did pass,
You still look like you're on tons of drugs,
Yet I look like I get oodles of hugs!
Your eyes still have that glazed ghoulish glare,
Your teeth still look like a sharp scary snare,
Your clothes still look like they're salvaged from trash,
Your face still looks like it's been bashed.
But I'm not here to point or judge,
I don't even hold a silly little grudge,
Because I look in the mirror and I look at my side,
And I see happiness you couldn't describe.
I'm healthy, I'm smart, and I'm completely loved,
My eyes are clear and I've never done drugs,
So yeah, you scared the crap outta me in second grade,
But I'm victorious and I'm wonderfully made.

In your face, Leslie.

Update on Viva La No Vampires!: New anti-Vamp movie out soon! Called "Vampires Suck!". Look it up!

Today, I will be watching Titanic for three hours. Let's hope it's not a total waste. I'll update you on it soon!

We're all accustomed to seeing old men with young women nowadays. Which is why I think we should be accustomed to seeing single, nerdy twenty-year olds staring at babies in the maternity ward.

What is some weird stuff you collect? My top five:
1. Broken jewelry pieces
2. Jones bottles
3. Paper cranes
4. Fortune cookie papers
5. Magazine advertisements that suit my fancy

Weird expression of the week: Knock your socks off. Whenever something splendiferous happens, I do not have the tingling sensation of my unmatching socks being ripped off my toes. Just saying.

Annoying habit of the year: People adding unnessacary letters to their Facebook statuses. Example: "Omggg Brittannny, dId yOu sEE thAttt QT?"
MY translation: "Oh my gosh, Brittany, I have no life. So much, in fact, that I forgot how to correctly use the shift key and I confuse "cutie" with the abbreviation for "Quik Trip". This is why teachers hestitate to tell me it's getting close to summer, because they worry that the sun is going to influence my bad spelling and grammar even more so than in the fall."
SHOULD BE: "Omgg, Brittannnny, you should defriennnnnddd meeeee or else yourrrr mom will reporttt meh as a kindygArTener usingggg a FacebOok EEEE-legally."

We have candy called "Butterfingers." Is this encouraging delectable cannibal choice?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Viva La No Vampires! and Parents

Howdy do to you, too, Master Bloo! I have no idea where that came from. Today, I decided to fight the power. Yeah, I decided to start a revolution. Today, today is the day of CHANGE! Today is when I start a project I would love to call: Viva La No Vampires! . Today is the day where I start a pact with mankind against the rise of teenage vampire novels, movies, clothing, and other crap they throw our way. AND YOU CAN JOIN! So, this is what I'm gonna do:
  • Tee shirts. We all love tee shirts. I know you do, I saw you wearing one last night.
  • Suggestions like crazy. I am suggesting new TV shows for you to enjoy besides "True Blood" and "Vampire Diaries". I'm gonna tell you new books that are good for teens and NOT for vampires. So, relax. Don't freak out.
  • Avoid at all costs walking near the Walmart, Barnes and Nobles, Borders, or any other bookseller aisle full of vamp novels unless you would love to make hideous gagging noises. That's fine with me. :)
  • I need help! Suggest some awesomeness that is anti-vamp! Comment like you have a disorder!
So, our first Viva La No Vampires! suggestions: Book: Notes from the Midnight Driver. Read it. Love it. It's awesome and totally free of vampires.
Television Show: Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Music: Sixteen Military Wives by the Decemberists
Food besides blood: Danimals' Crush Cups---they are delicious.

Alright, so join the Viva La No Vampires! group! I'll be making a group on Facebook shortly after this post! :D Look it up and suggest your friends! Maybe we can get some new Inklings? :)

Movies you DON'T wanna see: Avatar the Last Airbender. I don't care if you hated the anime, you will still find this movie totally lame. Just had to throw that out there.

Do you hate controlling parents? Of course you do. Even if you're an old and wrinkly old man in a coma, you will still be saying: "My parent's never let me shave the cat and I resent them for that!" Now, as a disclaimer, most of the time, parents try to do what's best for you...they just have an awful idea of what's best for you. But some parents are super controlling, and they remind me of a boss of a videogame. I smell dream scenario!

Child: I did it! I completed all those magically hard tasks! I milked the bombbeetle of Barboroux! I saved the princess twenty-eight times! I fished the lake for the magic snardoddle and I return victorious! Time to get the reward!
Parent: (charges out of random door and snorts with anger) You think you have passed? You did not! Quick, argue skills, go!
Child: Wha...what? Why would I argue with you?
Parent: Wimp!
Child: Hey, that's uncalled for! Why are you not letting me get my prize? I worked hard all day and you sat around on your lazy bum and did nothing but wait for me to be done so you could fight me?! That's ridiculous!
Parent: Muah ha ha ha! Because of your lack of argumentative skills, I shall send you back...TO THE FIRST LEVEL! RE-DO ALL YOUR CHORES!
Child: NOOOOO!

Things that I am Gonna Do as Soon as I Leave the House:
  1. Buy all the Harry Potter films and movies
  2. Paint my nails black
  3. Buy an article of clothing with a skull on it
  4. Buy Sweeney Todd and watch it
  5. Go to a random friend's house and have a sleepover at THEIR place for once

Why do crows in a group get to be called a murder, but poodles in a group still can't be oodles?

Monday, July 5, 2010

There is Superstitions...and Sam's Club

You know what severely stunts my confidence? Going to the mall. There are these gorgeous women that walk around there and I look at them and a little smidgen of me dies. For instance, today I decided to take a HUGE step and actually try on my clothes before I bought them. Big mistake. I looked like a confused zebra who just ate a cow. Which brings me to my main point: I have a haunting suspicion about a superstition that if I try on clothes, they will look hideous. BUT! If I bring them home, they will be fabuloso! And that, my dear Inklings, is what today's subject is about: SUPERSTITION!
You know you have them. They may not be your standard "black cat crosses your path" or the famous "step on a crack and break your momma's back", but you have those lurking silly fears that if something does not go this certain way, that SOMETHING is doomed. I know, you probably won't admit it, but I will RIGHT.NOW.
  1. Opening up a gum wrapper. I know, it's silly, but so are all of these, so SHUSH! Here is my superstition: If you open up a pack of gum, and the thin little semi-metallic seal doesn't rip off along with the paper tab, you'll have a bad day. Here's ONE reason why I believe this could be for real: So, one day, I buy my favorite flavor of gum (Trident's Citrus--YUM!). I am about to rip open the package and hope for my good luck trick to work. Next thing I know, this woman who I know who happens to work at Wally World runs up next to me. Two things you need to know: This woman is my friend's mom AND I do not like being touched. So, she takes me in her arms, squeezes the life outta me and then plants a sloppy, lip-stick covered kiss right on my cheek. She leaves. I open the gum. The seal sticks. CURSE YOU, UNWANTED KISS WOMAN! CURSE YOU!
  2. I am a frequent participant in the "Make a Wish on a Star" and "11:11" beliefs. I do it every single chance I get. I also blow off my eyelashes and make wishes for that, too. BUT! There is a twist to that theory. When I blow off an eyelash with my boyfriend around, I have to tell him, or else it won't come true. My reason: Every eyelash wish that I have created while he was around hasn't come true. EXCEPT for the ones I tell him.
  3. I have to go to the bathroom, drink a glass of water, and then go back to the bathroom or else I may have nightmares. Reason: I never have nightmares when I complete this ritual. I do have a tendency to have them if I do not.
  4. I say my boyfriend's name every night before I go to sleep so that he never leaves. Ridiculous, I know, I know. BUT, I started out saying it before we started to date as a weird way to finally get him to notice me. Well, he did. And he does. And we've been dating for over a year. :)
There are my crazy superstitions. They're probably not true, yes, but what are yours? I know you have them!

Last note of the day: Sam's Club. What is up with Sam's Club? It's like the Wal-Mart country club, or better yet, the Wal-Mart for gangsters. MAYBE BOTH!
Me: (goes into Sam's Club)
Greeter: Hey, you.
Me: Me?
Greeter: Yeah, you. You got the card?
Me: Excuse me?
Greeter: (subtly pulls out a machine gun and smiles cheerily) I said "Do you have the friggin card", woman?? Don't make me call back up.
Me: Umm...back up?
Greeter: (into Walkie Talkie) We got a code yellow smiley face. I repeat: Yellow smiley face.
(numerous creepy Sam's Club employees walk up to us)
Greeter: So let me ask you one more time: Do you have the card?
Me: ...Yes?
Greeter: Great! Come on in! We have a spa now, did you know that? And we have a machine that can scan your tongue and tell us what your tastebuds really desire!

I mean, seriously, let's face it, they have to have some seriously high-tech awesomeness to surpass REGULAR Wally Worlds. Another thing: You know how rough and scary bikers have leather vests? Look at the Sam's Club people...they have it, too...only blue. So that it can be friendly...but ready for a good ole fashioned bar fight. Food for thought: In bulk now for $11.99--BUT ONLY WITH A CARD!

Why do malls offer free food samples, and not free clothes samples? Rip off artists.