Hello everyone! I hope you're doing absolutely ravishing! (When I say ravishing, I always see a wolf swallowing a sammich...) Today, I lacked creative spirit but wanted to post SOMETHING ANYTHING WHATEVER THE HECK I WANT. So, I asked the lovely community of Facebook to ask me questions, and here I would type back my witty responses. *Wittiness glitters around my answers*
1st question:
From Megan McMillan, one of the prettiest people ever and the person I stalk a WHOLE BUNCH on Facebook (yes, I admitted it.)
Q: Why are you so beautiful?
A: I am flattered! Well, I'd like to say that my mommy is beautiful and my sister is beautiful and my dad is...not beautiful. But the fact that I look nothing like any of these people make me question where I exactly got all my slightly good-looking-ness. So, I would say, as a small child I fell in a mermaid pond and they blessed me with nice blonde hair
and eyes that change color, but then skipped out on a lot of mermaid gifties like self-confidence and breathing underwater.
2nd question:
From Janey Sueberry Weast, whose middle name I created and who is the one friend I could trust to be my maid of honor if any man actually wants
to marry this bundle o' crazy.
Q: What's the meaning of a dolphin's life?
A: Several theologians have debated heatedly about this question. It's gotten so bad, that one professor of Idealogy smashed the Professor of Thoughtmotology's glass figurines of pelicans. After seventeen billion years of research, the one thing everyone decided on was this: Dolphins are basically here to whoop the crap outta sharks and still be so darn cute. Interesting, disturbing and true fact about dolphins: Dolphins are the only other species of animal that practice homosexuality and also the only other animal that has sex for fun and not multiplying. Ewwwwww. Sounds like the cast of Jersey Shore and dolphins go hand in hand...
3rd question:
From Tyler Edmounds, the camp buddy that makes me laugh the most and also the man in this picture which I had to exploit:
Q: Why do fortune cookies stop telling the future?!
A: Because the little Chinese man who wrote all the future fortunes died and now fortune cookie writers have no future, so they just settled for his understudy, The Little Chinese Man With Useless Advice
Fourth Question:
From Cody Soots, the undisputed class clown of my school, also my personal Asian hero.
Q: They say butter toast always lands butter side down and cats always land on their feet. So if you were to butter a cat's back what would happen?
A: Thanks to recent scientific study, we have discovered that cats would explode into giant quantities of money, therefore, making this not only a good excuse for getting rid of cats, but also paying scientists in the process.
Fifth Question:
From Josh Linton, my fellow blog buddy and also my youth minister who always likes to mention the grossest stories in the Bible.
Q: How do I get rid of the trolls under my bed?
A: Well, it depends on your type of troll. The common house troll is a very persnickety fellow who enjoys the damp shadiness of your bed's underbelly. The only proven way to get rid of him is to sing the theme song to "Friends" as loudly as possible, driving him out immediately. HOWEVER, if you don't be observant, this could be an exotic Burmese troll, which is known for swallowing youth minister souls. If that is the case, you are doomed. Unless you hire me (under pay of Ticonderoga pencils) to do your dirty work for you.
As for the other random questions asked by Megan: yes, in my spleen, I'd tell you I love you but I'd have to kill you.