Friday, March 25, 2011

A Road Trip and Slipping Seriousness

For the first time, I am randomly craving some muffins. Just thought you should be aware.

Alright, I have been trying to blog these posts for eons and eons, so please excuse how random they may seem. Well, actually, no need to excuse it, because I know you know I know you know I'm already random.

This past week, I went to my Beloved City, which is Chicago. It was very...odd there, but I plan to go back. Actually, I plan a whole big Road Trip, so big and so important that it deserves capital letters. This road trip will occur the second I graduate and includes whoever jumps in the van with me and actually helps out with costs. So far, I have one person. Well, I just made up that cost thing, so he may back out... But I'll be going no matter what. Where to? No idea, but these things shall occur during the Road Trip:

  • Stop at every antique mall
  • Take pictures of the quirky things/beautiful things I pass
  • Visit strange historical sites
  • Go exploring randomly
  • Make a mix CD
  • Pick wildflowers
  • Pack less (my mom packs, like, the entire house, but we always forget something IMPORTANT)
  • Bring my ukulele
  • Frequently picnic

A lot of people find road trips to be stressful and boring, but it's like, when I'm on the road, I get crazy-creative and the little car I'm in is like a gun and I'm the bullet. When I get out, there'll be no stopping me. On the last road trip, I wrote a zillion things down and I felt so alive. Writing does that to me. Makes everything brighter and makes my lungs clear. It's better than anything in the whole world.

Something that bothers me about myself is that I like to pretend I don't need anyone, but I know deep down, I need everyone way too much. So I'm continually at war, I guess. I have no idea why I told you all that, but hey, I said March was full of surprises, so that one just surprised me. :) Does anyone else feel the way I do? Comment.

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