Sunday, March 6, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Congratulations, Inklings! I have kept you all in my virtual clutches for a year and two days! Some of you are dedicated followers, and I want you to know that your support and love has got me through so many doubts in my writing career. Even those ghosties who check up on this blog every once and awhile, thanks for fake-liking it enough to subscribe. I would blog more, but I'm a little dry on hilariousness, so I just want to give you a big ole thank you and say that I wish I was smart enough to plan an Inkling party to celebrate. Instead, I plan on some fun surprises appearing on this blog very soon. Stay tuned, kiddos.


  1. Thank you for telling me about and getting me to start blogging :)

  2. No problem! Haha, I started 11 people blogging, and you're the only one who actually reads my blog still lol :D


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