Dear The Color Blue,
How are you doing? I just saw you a second ago and I realized that we haven't spoken in so long. So, listen, I just wanted to drop a note and say that, well, basically...I'm madly in love with you. I know, that came a bit forward, but it's absolutely true. When I see you in the sky, or even when I see you on random candy wrappers, my heart is beating so fast that I'm afraid it'll explode and everyone will see my tiny little heart and they'll be like, "eww that girl is disgusting, she doesn't deserve the Color Blue" and I'll have to agree and I'll go into bouts of depression and have to take happy pills and gouge out my eyes so I don't see you anymore and my heart won't shove itself through my flesh and make me look like I walked out of a Saw movie....Yeah. So, for all these years, I've kinda tried to avoid you to avoid that bloody heart-mess thing. But I saw you today and I realized that I can't hold it in any longer (my love, not my heart--she's fine.) So...the Color Blue...will you be my favorite color?
Was that kinda creepy? I sure thought so.
Hi, The Color Blue's cousin Indigo here... why does just plain blue get all the recognition? It's just not fair.