Thursday, September 2, 2010

Scraps and Tailbones and All That Jazz in Between Your Bellybutton

That title scared you, didn't it? That's okay. Don't worry about it. It only means that your universe as you know it is about to be so funkified that your poodles will be tye-dyed.

You know how females and even some males have songs with their names in it? You have to have a poetic sounding name for those sorta songs. I mean, you cannot have a love song written about you if your name is:
  1. Hortensia
  2. Gertrude
  3. Vladimir
  4. Adolf
  5. Sigmund
  6. Reginald
  7. Bertha
  8. Edna
  9. Gladys
  10. Elmer.
When someone says "props" as in "thanks", I always want to throw random hats/ foam noodles at them and scream back "TAKE THE PROPS!"

If you pronounce the initials of My Mother Was a Rose it sounds like a kissy noise mixed with a growl. That depicts my blog pretty well.

John Mayer is coming to town tomorrow night. Beautiful, attractive, talented John Mayer. And everyone won't stop talking about it. Which is why I am printing 32 pictures of him, taping them to my wall and blasting my live album of his. TAKE THAT YOU RICH KIDS WHO CAN AFFORD CONCERTS!!!

When boys become obsessed with anime, they put that in the place of ever getting a dignified girlfriend. And when you do that, well...I do not want to talk about your imaginary manga girlfriend. Ever. Those luscious brown locks? Yeah, they're not real.


  1. The lucious brown locks aren't real :(( crap...

  2. No, but those fuchsia ones on Momoanasakiwa are!


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