Saturday, September 18, 2010

Word on the Block About the Blog

‎"Reading the Blog is nothing I have ever seen before. It's like...sorta like eating the most amazing pizza ever, handed to you by Johnny Depp. Just wonderfulness upon wonderfulness. So wonderful that I got the link address tattooed to my face."--Mother Theresa

"If you read this blog, and I'm assuming that you will...magical nuggets of wisdom will start sprouting out of your elbows and kneecaps. And you'll feel so gosh-darn dandy that you'll break out in a dance and whistle a tune. THAT is why you should read this blog."---Nelson Mandela

Read the blog or your ancestors will come and haunt you.--Abraham Lincoln

"Read Jenna's blog and she will make you into one swell-happy amphibian/mortal"--Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Read the blog or else all your ice cubes will be turned to solid gold. And we all know how that feels between your gums--like golden Hades, that's how. Bahaha! I'm Danish."--Beowulf.

1 comment:

  1. "Read the blog or else all your ice cubes will be turned to solid gold. And we all know how that feels between your gums--like golden Hades, that's how. Bahaha! I'm Danish."--Beowulf.

    Okay I'm laughing so hard right now I'm crying.
    Wow that's an old picture from when I had a blog 4 years ago.


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