Thursday, March 18, 2010

Company, Cleanliness, and C is for Cookie

Oh my children!!! How I've missed you so!!! Do you smell that, my little bloggerheads? That distinct smell of creativity? Or is that the ripe smell of unwashed body, seeing that it's early afternoon and I have yet to take a shower. Actually, on the subject of showers, I'll have you know I love baths. Makes me feel like a mermaid. So, if you want to get on my good side, buy me bubblebath and we will be lifelong friends.
Speaking of the word "bloggerheads" I would love to call you something else. From this day forward you, dear reader, are no longer a simple reader/blogger/bloggerhead/Sasquatch. Nay, you are from this day on known as....AN INKLING. Yes, inkling. It is a word that means the faint idea of something fantastic...I think. Anyways, that is what you are to me. You are the beginning of something so terribly amazing. Plus inkling has to do with ink, and ink has to do with writing. I hope you enjoy your name, Inkling.
Today I am having company. I feel odd saying that word. Makes me think that a theater crew is coming. My "company" has arrived! Quick! Spotlight on the left stage! Anyways, I always hate that when I'm terribly busy, the people I love dearest want to see me then. I love all my friends too much that I can't stand rejecting them. This is why I am a strong believer of crowded birthday parties.
My mother is nagging me to clean clean CLEAN my room, although, to be honest, as a teenager, I doubt I would care if my friend's room was dirty. I mean, I would if there were like, rats crawling everywhere and mold was shooting out of the ceiling (because I'm super allergic to mold and cause that's just gross). But I mean, I'm not going to notice if your sock monkey isn't thirty five degrees west of the Mississippi. I would notice if it was thirty five degrees EAST though!
Last but not least, I hate eating healthy. For the past three years I've been telling myself to eat better and excerise. No such luck. I see a cookie, that cookie is instantly in my brain, and I have to have that cookie. Yesterday I read a book where the girl was considering to be an anorexic and I immediately ate two bowls of Lucky Charms. Happy Saint Patrick's Day to me! :D
Dear 9 followers, bless you, my inklings. You are so kind. Now get your butt up from your chair and ask your friends to follow me, too. I hate being alone. Be my friend! Enjoy this lovely corned beef I'm giving you--- I wouldn't eat it but my mom made tons--no joke. Comment comment comment and remember, my inklings--I love bubblebath.


  1. I like the name inklings. Giving us a name makes the whole blogging thing seem profesional.

  2. Of course. I'm always professional unless I'm with people. Then I just start to giggle


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