Tuesday, April 6, 2010

GPMS--Women and the Global Positioning System

Today I am over-loading the Inkling community with useless information, because, well, that's what blogging's for, right? Also, I feel absolutely lonely and terrible for leaving you post-less for the past week or so. So feel free to take some aspirin, because today you are going to be overloaded in ***NEW POSTS***
WHAT is the deal with women and GPSs? I went to our state's Capitol and I had to have an assigned driver. So, it was this old woman who had a GPS. She got lost EVERY.DAY. I asked her why didn't she use her GPS? Her reply? "I don't have a GPS, I have a Tom-Tom." Dear Lord. I said "Why don't you program your 'Tom-Tom' to get us to the capitol?" She says? "The capitol doesn't have an address." Are you insane, old woman? No, don't answer that. This woman doesn't know how to work the air-conditioning in the car she's had for years. But, DOES the Capitol have an address? I would guess so, considering WE SEND BILLS TO BE PASSED THERE. Food for though, people. Food.for.freaking.thought.
My mother also refused to use our GPS, which is why I was in our state capitol for an hour more than we should be. Listen, I know the voice is condescending, but don't.refuse.the.instructions!!!

In OTHER news, I'm feeling sorta down because of a friend of mine. Have you ever grown up with a close and personal friend and then they change everything about themselves? It makes you start to wonder: Which one is the REAL person? My friend got a boyfriend the other day and didn't call me...I had no idea she even LIKED anyone. She also says she doesn't believe in love, so I'm wondering why she's getting a boyfriend?

I didn't get an Easter egg to paint this year, so I painted my blog script. You like? BTW, here is some invisible chocolate for you to consume. One year, my best friend and her brother and I performed an Easter play for our family. They found it very disrespectful. Probably because instead of Judas dipping his bread in the bowl, our Judas was choking on candy and Jesus pats him on the back saying "You okay buddy?" Yeah...we were eight then...

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