Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Twilight Wars, Tornado Sirens, and Things that are STRESSING me out

You should be amazed that I type this to you. Seriously, I about died. But I'll get back to that.

Falconman, (sorry, Falconman, I will not use your real name due to a vow I took in the Blog Mountains forbidding me to use first or last names of Inklings), my boyfriend's brother, has initiated a Twilight War. He has pointed out several points on which you can follow here: But, being the Twilight fan that I am, I will bring out a few good things about Twilight and then possibly attack something random.
  1. Twilight encourages reading. There's no way of getting around that. I have seen tons of girls (and boys!) who get D's in English reading this book, so I am behind THAT all the way, being the ginormous bookworm that I am.
  2. Twilight has several good things to look for in a relationship, albeit not EVERYTHING. It does, however, show that a relationship is about respect, sacrifice, and committment.
  3. As a beginning novelist, Stephenie Meyer should have credit for creating one of the hugest fan bases of our time.
So there you have it, Falconman. Your turn to object!

IN OTHER NEWS: Today they were testing the tornado sirens. Only I didn't know that, so I was about to call all my friends and family with my goodbyes. Sad thing is, I would probably be lying to half of them : "Oh, I love you so much! You're my best friend!" = "You rotten person! You never call me! I'm glad I'm about to die!" Just saying. Hopefully, when the time comes for me to die, I can be honest with them. But it annoys me that the sirens go off and there IS NO TORNADO. And I just found out this is going to be a weekly thing. So now, old people everywhere are going to be screaming and hiding. And we all know, when an old lady hids under a porch, she's going to stay there for awhile, no matter how much tapioca you try to coax her with.

Lately, I have been severely stressed out. My boyfriend is moving, and I don't think he really cares about that. Which is not very comforting, seeing that I cry about it quite frequently. Yes, I'm a crybaby, let's move on. And the thing is, is my mother is FORCING me to get a job, so now, I'll see him EVEN LESS. She doesn't understand that I wanted this summer to learn how to drive, next summer to get a job. She doesn't care. All she does is YELL YELL YELL. Sheesh. And now my aunt and sister are coming in to visit and my mother is in a Nazi stage of cleaning, which comes with constant: Nagging, Shouting, Screaming, Dirty looks, and "Don't use that attitude with me!". I'm so sick of it.

Sorry to rant about my life. This blog is nothing amazing, and I apologize. Tomorrow, I'll try harder.

1 comment:

  1. Good argument. I side with you on this one, J.B. Sorry Falconman.


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